I may feel different than some, but I say for someone like the person you described that was fleeing Leo's in that manner it ought to carry a mandatory sentence in prison ( I'd say minimum 10 years)…no pleading down, not negotiable. Their actions can kill someone with their reckless driving. As far as Leo's being allowed to pursue…. Absolutely. They're breaking the law. Is the thought to just let them run? Heck then everyone will run if that's the case. Criminals do not give a crap about the law or your feelings. Bottom line is that if our states had actual real deterrents for crime, a lot of folks would probably act differently. Think about how you would want Leo's to act if that individual had assaulted or hurt a loved one, wasn't stopped and hauled *** just to have the police say, well we had to let him go because he drive too fast. Heck, they may be hauling the dope that gets introduced to someone's kid…you just never know. I've had a similar situation happen to me on I-10 a few years ago. Just always got to be alert and drive defensively. They ended up getting the guy about 20 miles from where I was passed by them. No idea how it turned out.