Hi Standard 22 chamber pin dent repair?

These barrels slide on and lock into place, doing a skim cut on the breach face would probably work, but it would change the position on the slide in battery and it would be off.

I'm thinking ill be doing a reline job or possibly one of the other model hi-standard models barrels will interchange.

It also appears as if the pin protrusion is way too much. Thinking it was replaced at some point and never fit properly to this pistol. Pin stick out 0.026" past the bolt nose.


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These barrels slide on and lock into place, doing a skim cut on the breach face would probably work, but it would change the position on the slide in battery and it would be off.

I'm thinking ill be doing a reline job or possibly one of the other model hi-standard models barrels will interchange.
By the looks of the High Std bbl in the pics, a chamber iron ain't gonna' work! The rim of a rimfire needs a solid backing where the firing pin hits for good, consistent ignition. All a chamber iron can do is 'iron' the burr out that obstructs the chamber. It won't put metal back where it came from.
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Could it be that dry firing pin impact caused this ding. I there are tools that simply iron out the inside chamber where steel has been forced into by repetitious firing pin impacts against the end of barrel. To verify this check out the location of firing pin in bolt with ding in barrel end. No need to agonize over new barrels, barrel lining, or TIG welding. Do dry firing with a spent brass or dummy cartridge thingy. Reliable RF ignition needs a good hard wack and RF rims vary in thick ness. Existing rim thickness & strength should provide enough resistance to set off primer stuff inside rim. Go to Brownell's & look for the chamber tool. It sure don't look good but gun will probably shoot good as before after simple fix. Nobody but you will look inside gun to see this but it could screw up resale value.

I have seen several .22 RF barrels of pawn shop guns that have inside bore bulges caused by attempts to shoot out stuck bullets like caused by bad ammo. In this case a new barrel is needed. I can appreciate that single extractor cut - try re-barreling a Ruger M77/22 that has 2 parallel extractor cuts like at 9 & 2 o'clock. Many .22 RF's have barrels pinned in place with no cut threads, I don't have a clue how the HS is set up but if a set back is planned the single extractor cut would be easy.
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