Hi from Canada


New Member
Nov 19, 2012
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
:) I joined just recently and I have been encouraged to tell you guys (and gals) a bit about myself. I live in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. I am a retired dentist and have been married to a wonderful husband for 28 years. Although I have extensive experience with a variety of firearms, due to circumstances beyond my control, I haven't had the opportunity to shoot for the last 29 years. I am currently in the process of acquiring possession and acquisition licenses for both restricted and non-restricted weapons. gun)I HATE this nonsense but the laws have changed. Back in 1983, you could just walk into a gun store or Canadian Tire and buy a weapon no questions asked. The nanny state has hit us too!!
I'm primarily interested in precision bulls eye shooting although I used to hunt with my father many moons ago. I intend to purchase an accurate bean field type rifle and a .22 cal. target pistol this spring. I'm looking forward to getting back into the saddle, so to speak. :D
Well hello and welcome to this site. Lots to learn from many of the members on here, incredible reads as well. I live fairly close, I am from a small town between Burlington and Hamilton Ontario.
:) Thanks for the welcome!

I need a bit of advice though. As you know, I plan to buy a rifle as soon as I get my license. I am into precision bulls eye shooting and would like a rifle capable of sub MOA performance. I am considering the following models:

Browning M100 Eclipse .270 WSM
Savage VLP DBM .300 WSM
Remington 700 SFII Sendero 7mm Remington Magnum.
Kimber Tactical .308
Tikka and Sako varmint models possibly .243 or 7mm-08

I would like to avoid .308 if possible because I don't like the ballistics. Being an old school kind of gal, I would prefer a wooden stock.

I have searched the web extensively, I am getting mixed reviews. Some say that Savage is the way to go. Others say that the Remington is the best thing since sliced bread. Unfortunately, some had to do a lot of work to get the Sendero to shoot accurately.

I am tempted to go with the Browning because I have considerable experience with their firearms. They have a great fit and finish and perform admirably. However, the trigger will have to be reworked. 4 lbs is a bit much for precision shooting.

Reviews of Tikka and Sako Varmint models are positive as far as accuracy is concerned but I want to avoid a plastic stock (Tikka). The Sako is a bit on the pricy side but the varmint is available with a walnut or laminated stock. Unfortunately, they are not available in the chamberings that I would prefer.

I fell in love with the Kimber Sonora only to find that they don't make them anymore so I'll have to go with the tactical model with a plastic stock and in .308 if I go that route.

I should add that I'm not terribly concerned about recoil. I was a competitive trap shooter when I was young and used to fire 100+ rounds of 12 gauge /day with no problems at all.

Advice would be greatly appreciated.gun)

Its great that our Friends from the North can join us. Welcome!

Fist you have a great list of Firearms there! Don't rule out a rifle that has a synthetic stock. That is only cosmetic.
Boyd Stocks ( BOYDS The World's Foremost Supplier of Hardwood Gunstocks. ) have great selections of Laminate Wood Stocks in just about every color you can dream up and all are for around $100.00 US. These stocks with a little tweaking can be real real nice.

You speak of the Sendero in 7mm Mag. This is a nice rifle. It gets my vote.
My buddy, and everyone has one on this forum. But my buddy has a tikka in 7mm Mag and he sits down and will gong his target all day long at 300m. So it seems like a good choice.

I Have a 7mm/08 I love it. Nice to shoot. Great little gun. I have several rifles that are, and based off of the 308 Case. Never know, when the Zombie Apocalypse comes, you should be able to find lots of 308 Nato.

I shoot a Ruger M77 in 280 Rem for everything I hunt in the state of Wyoming. ITS JUST ABOUT A 7mm Mag. I said just about so I don't offend any 7mm Hard Core Fans!

Well just don't rule out the synthetics, because you can change that pretty easy. I do with all of mine. I do believe I have a Ruger M77 in 338 Federal that still has Its original Jacket of Plastic.

Take Care

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