Hey Phorwath !

Iron Worker

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
Reno Nevada
Here's your Political box. Pre-election there was a raging thread in response to your stated leftest leanings.
So do you have "buyers remorse" or are you still in his corner? Will his Supreme Court pick be our enemy ? Do they make policy in the appeals court? Will his court legislate from the bench?
Nothing bad intended. Though the ground around that subject appears to be well worked.....

I don't know about Phorwath, but I'm just a bit ticked. Especially since I am a personal witness on how some of that stimulus money is being spent.
Last Fall just before the election Phorwath made it clear he is Pro Obama and tons of Long Range Shooters posted against his world view..... Our Prez is a night mirror for all.
As the BTO tune goes "You ain't seen nothin yet!!!!"

It reminds me more of their song "Gimme Your Money Please", or maybe their song title "Givin it All Away".

I guess we should be "Takin it Like a Man" :rolleyes:

Until this nightmare is over, I'll be "Lookin' Out for Number One" :D

Re: Hey Iron Worker !

If you just wanted to know how I felt, that could have been accomplished with a PM. However if your desire is to grand-stand in the company of friends, then this would be the better approach. You've opened the stage, so you must have the will and the desire...

I'll entertain you to an extent. I'm comfortable with both my vote, and my historical posts, to this day.

If you blew the dust off of my posts and read them as a whole, I believe the fairest conclusion would be that the majority of my time and posting was spent anti-Palin (my Governor), rather than pro-Obama. If you're willing to spend the time and effort to research those posts and reference my pro-Obama posts, I'll accept the consequences. But I'm pretty sure the fairer conclusion was that the last thing I wanted was Sarah Palin as a Vice-President, let alone Commander in Chief. But I'll give her this, I was pro-Palin during the Saturday Night Live comedy, and during the Katie Couric interviews. If you review my posts you could conclude nothing less than the Repubican ticket had no chance to win, that they would lose in a landslide, and the loss would primarily be the direct consequence of the Bush legacy. I predict the same result today if the election were held again next week.

Did you know that current polls show that 23% more of those polled give Obama a positive rating than give him a negative rating? I could be all wrong with the math, but I believe that would place you in the minority, both on election day and today.

Did you know that your State of California voted more than 60% for Obama. Does your State still feel that way about Obama?

And did you know that Alaska voted more than 60% for McCain. Alaska always votes Republican on Presidential elections. Move up here and you'll be in a localized majority.

If moving isn't in the cards, have you considered focusing on your neighbors there at home, if your mission is to effect change.

Since those pre-election day threads and posts that I participated in, I posted to another forum member suffering from post-election day blues that I don't vote solely on the gun control issue alone, and I'm not one bit ashamed of it. To each his own.

Gun owner's are a potent political force. The Dems largely gave up on gun control after the Al Gore loss. Bill Clinton himself admitted that gun control cost Al Gore his election bid. As a consequence we haven't seen Hillary or Obama speaking any strong anti-gun talk. Have you lost any guns as a consequence of the Obama election? Mexico opened the opportunity early in the Obama administration but Obama didn't bite. Just the opposite. He said he didn't intend to pass gun control legislation as a consequence of the requests from the government of Mexico. Doesn't mean it won't happen. If Obama and the democratic majorities get as cocky as the Republicans did during the prior eight years, they may push gun control legislation. If it happens, I would expect it during Obama's second administration. Yup, read it and weep. I predict it will take at least eight years for the American public to get over the Bush legacy. Tell me I'm wrong in another 3 1/2 years.

You wanna be mad, be mad. You wanna exclude me from your posts, exclude me. You wanna ridicule me because you can't control my positions, opinions, or vote, be my guest. You wanna talk guns and hunting, that's what I've done with the vast majority of my posts over the past 4+ years on this forum. That's what I've done over the past 40+ years of my life. I won't be communicating with you should you place pre-conditions on the communications. There's plenty of hunters and shooters happy to talk without pre-conditions or any sort, let alone a forced polictical alliance. You wanna leave your political preferences at the door, we can talk. If you can't, so be it.

Whatever your vision or mission - it's your thread. If you feel the need, blaze away...
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Re: Hey Iron Worker !

If you just wanted to know how I felt, that could have been accomplished with a PM. However if your desire is to grand-stand in the company of friends, then this would be the better approach. You've opened the stage, so you must have the will and the desire...

I'll entertain you to an extent. I'm comfortable with both my vote, and my historical posts, to this day.

If you blew the dust off of my posts and read them as a whole, I believe the fairest conclusion would be that the majority of my time and posting was spent anti-Palin (my Governor), rather than pro-Obama. If you're willing to spend the time and effort to research those posts and reference my pro-Obama posts, I'll accept the consequences. But I'm pretty sure the fairer conclusion was that the last thing I wanted was Sarah Palin as a Vice-President, let alone Commander in Chief. But I'll give her this, I was pro-Palin during the Saturday Night Live comedy, and during the Katie Couric interviews. If you review my posts you could conclude nothing less than the Repubican ticket had no chance to win, that they would lose in a landslide, and the loss would primarily be the direct consequence of the Bush legacy. I predict the same result today if the election were held again next week.

Did you know that current polls show that 23% more of those polled give Obama a positive rating than give him a negative rating? I could be all wrong with the math, but I believe that would place you in the minority, both on election day and today.

Did you know that your State of California voted more than 60% for Obama. Does your State still feel that way about Obama?

And did you know that Alaska voted more than 60% for McCain. Alaska always votes Republican on Presidential elections. Move up here and you'll be in a localized majority.

If moving isn't in the cards, have you considered focusing on your neighbors there at home, if your mission is to effect change.

Since those pre-election day threads and posts that I participated in, I posted to another forum member suffering from post-election day blues that I don't vote solely on the gun control issue alone, and I'm not one bit ashamed of it. To each his own.

Gun owner's are a potent political force. The Dems largely gave up on gun control after the Al Gore loss. Bill Clinton himself admitted that gun control cost Al Gore his election bid. As a consequence we haven't seen Hillary or Obama speaking any strong anti-gun talk. Have you lost any guns as a consequence of the Obama election? Mexico opened the opportunity early in the Obama administration but Obama didn't bite. Just the opposite. He said he didn't intend to pass gun control legislation as a consequence of the requests from the government of Mexico. Doesn't mean it won't happen. If Obama and the democratic majorities get as cocky as the Republicans did during the prior eight years, they may push gun control legislation. If it happens, I would expect it during Obama's second administration. Yup, read it and weep. I predict it will take at least eight years for the American public to get over the Bush legacy. Tell me I'm wrong in another 3 1/2 years.

You wanna be mad, be mad. You wanna exclude me from your posts, exclude me. You wanna ridicule me because you can't control my positions, opinions, or vote, be my guest. You wanna talk guns and hunting, that's what I've done with the vast majority of my posts over the past 4+ years on this forum. That's what I've done over the past 40+ years of my life. I won't be communicating with you should you place pre-conditions on the communications. There's plenty of hunters and shooters happy to talk without pre-conditions or any sort, let alone a forced polictical alliance. You wanna leave your political preferences at the door, we can talk. If you can't, so be it.

Whatever your vision or mission - it's your thread. If you feel the need, blaze away...

I don't want to exclude you,nor ridicule you. I admit I have not read all your post concerning Obama. I was emotionally charged at election time .So your comments got my attention.I'm quite concerned about the current direction of our nation.The Bible says"There is nothing new under the sun".Conditions were living in have existed before.Italy in the 30s was rapidly turning socialist when Mussolini rose to power, Thus an alliance with NAZI Germany( Iran,North Korea,Venezuela perhaps) Obama has some common ground with Nevil Chamberlain "Peace in our time" If Churchill didn't win next election we could of lost WW2.I think were ripe for some type of dictatorship.(Rank and file I work with our so wrapped in personal issues and pointing the finger of blame at others they uninformed about consequences of our nations about face !)The purpose of the US Constitution is to protect the people from an oppressive Government. Obama believes the constitution is a living breathing document..... About Ca. This state is doomed,were broke I think because its been ruled by the left and special interest . Its about big Government and tax tax tax.So our present reality is the consequence of past poor directions the left has lead us into.... Is the right squeaky clean ? Not by a long shot. There is truth on both sides of the isle . I admit I think Reagen was great . No desire to insult you.....I appreciate your comments about various topics including optics
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