I found quite a bit of additional information from a number of additional Google searches. They all describe the mixture as approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon HBN to 16oz alcohol. Not a paste. A paste will undoubtedly increase pressures. One guy even provided the weight of HBN per pint of alcohol. The minimum recommended alcohol content was always 91%. And the folk that sounded like they'd had the most experience at this preferred a 99% alcohol solution. I bought a quart of denatured alcohol from Trustworthy. Again, I haven't coated any bores yet. In spite of that, I'm certain I know more than jfseaman, about just about anything and everything.
Which isn't saying a whole lot ...
The consistency isn't described anywhere near what you described. More like skim milk consistency and appearance than thin pancake batter. I think you likely had too much HBN. Certainly more than what others report using. After swabbing the bore, they then allow the alcohol to evaporate prior to firing a bullet down the barrel.
The 99% alcohol was preferred for two reasons, as I recall. The HBN mixes better in the higher alcohol concentration, and the 99% alcohol solution evaporates faster than the 91% rubbing alcohol. That's a summary of the infomation I collected on HBN coating of bores. They all also said clean the bore squeaky clean prior to swabbing with the HBN/alcohol solution.
The guy presenting info on the SwissProducts Forum I provided the link to, apparently has a patent on HBN coating of bullets and/or bores. I didn't try to find and read his process, as described in the patent. He seems to believe that the HBN is more or less permanently impregnated into the bore surface by firing the first bullet down the treated bore. But the majority of those reporting in various forums didn't normally speak to that "fire impregnation" of the HBN into the surface of the bore - one way or the other.
Information on the HBN coating of bullets and bores isn't very thoroughly presented at any one source I could find. I mined multiple Forums to put together what I considered a fairly complete description/process. And of course, some folk felt like they had the only "best and correct methods". On the internet, there are plenty of self-proclaimed experts. I error on the side of letting the reader know my experience and knowledge. And provide links to the sources of information I mined information from.
And then there's