Help with feeding - 308 rebarreled to a 6.5 Creedmore


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2018
Rebarreled a Remington 700 from a 308 to a 6.5 Creedmore, now it doesn't feed, at least not well. It will always feed if only one round is loaded in the internal mag box, but only feeds some of the time if I just chuck one in loose and try or if I put more than one in the mag box. Except for the Bartlein barrel and manners stock its all factory Remington parts. Pushing harder does help. I realize the Creed has a sharper shoulder angle than the 308 and that's most likely the problem. The base of the case falls down into the follower causing the cartridge to be pointed upwards. I will include some pic's. Wondering if I need a different follower or what. Thanks for any help.


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If it's getting hung up on the shoulder, might be due to the smith not having done a light radius at the entry to the chamber.
Shine a light on it- the edge should be lightly rounded to facilitate feeding- not sharp.
I tried to take a few pics, their not great, it looks like it is just a little rounded on the edge tho. Also hard to get a finger in there but doesn't feel like a sharp edge.


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You ever think the rifle is rejecting it because it's a creedmoor?🤣🤣

Sorry couldn't help it. I just rebarreled a 25-06 to a 280ai. Went from a shouldered barrel to a nut and zero feeding issues. That's about the same shoulder angle increase. I'd say send it back to smith, or, get a center feed Wyatt mag and see if it works? Their pretty cheap.
The base of the case falls down into the follower causing the cartridge to be pointed upwards.
Is this happening as a result of the bullet contacting the breech- or before?
If the follower spring is weak and causing the round to feed at too high an angle, might be solved by a spring with more force.
Often the problem is the opposite, but can go both ways.

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