Need more info. Looks like the hill country, but what part? Is he a native deer or introduced? If native, I can't get him to 150". He's still a heck of a deer though. And I'm usually low on my score guesses.
High fence or low fence doesn't matter to me. I hunt both regularly. I love high fenced places if they are done "right". As in big places with native deer. I'm not really a fan of the places that introduce genetics, but I don't hold it against them. Anyone who lumps all high fenced ranches together simply does not know what they are talking about. And that is not an arguable point. Just because someone puts up a fence does not make the deer any less wild or easier to kill. I've been on plenty of HF places that were extremely hard to hunt. And I've been on low fenced places where the deer are almost tame. You just can't lump them all together.
Good luck on your hunt! He's a great deer!