Help on necking down


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
Is it too much to make 25/06 brass from 279 win brass in one sty? If so advise on correct procedure. Thanks to all for your help. Tribb
Is it too much to make 25/06 brass from 279 win brass in one sty? If so advise on correct procedure. Thanks to all for your help. Tribb
Don't know whose die you have but it might help if you had an elliptical expander ball in your .25/06 and of course you want to double check the neck thickness ID and OD Most guy just run them through and they work fine. Cheers
Don't know whose die you have but it might help if you had an elliptical expander ball in your .25/06 and of course you want to double check the neck thickness ID and OD Most guy just run them through and they work fine. Cheers
It's Redding do I need another brand. Thank you sir.
It's Redding do I need another brand. Thank you sir.
I'm not sure, you might check the set you have online it should say if they use an elliptical expander ball in their sizing die, or email/call Redding. Good luck Cherrs
Imperial sizing wax is handy for big brass movements. If you're full length sizing, get a daub of wax on your fingers, smear it in the case, run it through the 25/06 die. Measure OAL and trim to length after (and chamfer) and you'll be fine. Redding dies are fine for this. It's pretty straightforward.
Is it too much to make 25/06 brass from 279 win brass in one sty? If so advise on correct procedure. Thanks to all for your help. Tribb
270 brass will work easily like resizing 25-06. Where I found an issue was necking down new freshly annealed 30-06 brass (sig Sauer brand). It was too much of a step and I ended up running it into 7mm mag die to eas into necking it down in two steps.
Is it too much to make 25/06 brass from 279 win brass in one sty? If so advise on correct procedure. Thanks to all for your help. Tribb
Did you mean 270 Win? You can take 30/06, 7mm, and 270 and reduce the neck size to fit the 25/06. Infact I have a few 25/06's or my sons do. So I used different head stamps cases to identify which case to who's rifle. Use lube to do the reduction of necks, and may take a couple of steps to acheive the reducing the neck size. You may want to get a bushing sizing die or two and set up with bushing to do you neck work. Having a 2nd die cut down on changing bushing and set up.