Help...Leica only accepts G1 I only have G7


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
Texas Hill Country
Hey guys, I need some help. I'm trying to load my ballistic data into my Leica binos and Leica program only accepts G1 and Hammer Bullets only provide G7. How do I do this?

The G7 for the 155 Hammer Hunter bullet is .274 I need to know what that would be in G1.

Thanks for any help. I have a hunt next week I'm trying to get ready for.
Well, there are 2 ways you can go that will make it different levels of easy. It looks like they've got that number as an estimate, not measured value so I think either way there's going to be some verification shooting being done.

1. Call up Hammer and ask. They may have done some G1 tinkering.
2. Go shoot at as many of 300,400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, etc... as you can and send me your actual drops (meaning dial up until you hit while not heating up the barrel) and I can work a BC out that will work for your intended distance window. I've had to do this a number of times for things where there is no published data. It's a little tedious but not hard. If you want to go this route, PM me and I'll give you my email address and SMS number so we can communicate more directly.
Thanks. What Steve has listed is very accurate in my rifle. What I did is play with the G1 in the Leica calculator until it matched my chart using Steve's G7 as best as I could get it.
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