Welcome! I started hunting fairly late in life- I was 26 or 27. My folks never took me, but my buddies did when I reached that age. I was squeamish a bit as well. I started small, learning on dove. Later that season, my first whitetail. I didn't go it alone- I had ZERO idea what I was doing so I took the help that they offered. Sure, there was some fun poked in my direction, but I tried to learn from it...mistakes are a good thing. Learn from them, and you don't do them again. I also really love to cook, so once I made the connection between good processing practices and the direct impact it has on the meal I prepare, I got really serious about processing in the best, cleanest way possible to avoid ruining my future meals. After a couple of deer, it got easier, and now, 13 years later, I teach new folks how to do it (though, I'm still slow...I like to take my time and make sure I'm not messing up any of the cuts for later).Hello all, long time shooter and fisherman (catch and release). I would love to start hunting elk, but I'm not too keen with blood and guts. Sad, but true. Several buddies have offered to help me clean it, but I kinda feel if I shoot it I should process it.
Anybody else ever had a problem getting used to blood and guts? Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks for your help.
Sounds like you have some buddies willing to help, and you sound willing to learn, so things should be good!