Have you guys watched these?


Active Member
Jun 19, 2013
When I decided to purchase a long range rifle for some hunting and target shooting, I decided to do some youtube watching and came across this guy that has a 59 part sniper tutorial of sorts. I was wondering if any of you guys have seen this? I watched about 30 of them and it is actually how I chose which round to go with and which scope to purchase. He goes by "TiborasaurusRex" in my opinion he has some really great info and would recommend anybody that is wanting to get into long range shooting to watch.
I love them. Kinda long winded but great info. He shoots a ruger 243 that is a tack driver. I'm wondering if its factory or what? I have one that I can't make shoot so I want to know what he did
Yeah guys I have watched most of the Ballistics videos several times over. I think this guy could make himself and his shooting buddies a lot of money if he were to put these videos into or something like them into a purchasable set of DVD's or heck he could even open a shooting school and make some cash that way. I have several "sniper schools" in my area that charge $3400 for 2 days of classes and shooting.
I love them. Kinda long winded but great info. He shoots a ruger 243 that is a tack driver. I'm wondering if its factory or what? I have one that I can't make shoot so I want to know what he did

I think in one video he was talking about barrel wear and he stated that its a ruger model 77 vt. and still has factory barrel. So I would assume that the rest of it is also stock. I would guess that it has been bedded. But that would be a great question to ask him. I know he get right back to you if you leave him a message or comment on one of his videos.
Yep, i have been watching them, the cool part is he lives in the same town as me. :cool:

I just found out about this guy. Apparently he's a geologist for the same company I work for! The video he does a step by step digi-cam Duracoat AK belongs to a mutual friend from Utah.
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