Both my digital scales started to drift. I noticed the Hornady autopowder dropper was throwing inconsistent charges and then started comparing it to an RCBS digital scale. I would calibrate each and then compare the weights of the charges produced by the Hornady with weights measured on the regular RCBS digital powder scale. Every 5 minutes or so one of the two digital scales would drift off and have to be recalibrated. This was very frustrating. I guess maybe I need to send the Hornady autodropper back and have it checked out.
Now I'm using a Harrels culver measure to throw charges (its fast) and then trickle on the GEM Pro 250.
So far I have not observed the GEM Pro to drift or be effected by LED or florescent lights or small changes in temperature like the regular digital powder scales. I do leave it on all the time as it requires a long time to come up to temperature and stabilize.