Has anyone killed more that one animal with one shot?

Let your conscience be your guide…..I don't think there's anything specific about posting "gore" game photos.

Though, you may read the "fine print" on the agreement statement! memtb
I go along with that! I have strong felling about what not to use for larger game. A perfect shot will do it every time, but a missed place shot creates a big problem. Even a rifle that is larger doesn't alway do the job do poor placement. That does happen with the best of shots.
I have seen a two for one on caribou. It was done by accident, but we had five tags each, so it was legal.
I have only done that on prairie dogs. Wait until two line up for a "Quigley" shot. It's fun, but sometimes takes a while for them to line up. When the pups are near the den, you can shatter a rock between them and sometimes take multiples.
Few years back on late cow hunt. Nephew shooting my 300 PRC, 210 Nosler lrab running 3040 fps. Didn't see one drop, hiked up hill to look were they were standing and there was one dead with a blood trail going to another dead one 75 yards away that was hit in the lungs. Apparently was standing behind the one he shot. Recovered bullet and it weighed 131 grains. I'd say that was pretty good penetrtion !
I just worked up the same load @ 2900 fps curious what was the yardage to the bull? That looks like a large chuck of the jacket.
Shot was 150ish yards. That bullet and cartridge are a special pair. Killed my bull with it at 208 yards and it went straight down. Pro tip: shoot lungs because its devastating. Will go thru shoulder no problem, but make a mess.
Killed 4 turkey with one shot from a shotgun that I didn't know had a bent front bead and by the time I realized it three more birds the next year with the same shotgun. Thought it was a fluke at first. Aimed for an outside tom and dang if that tom and three others all went to flopping around and the second year all three went bang flop down. Ate a lot of turkey those two years!! My brother-in-law never let me forget it!! Still reminds me when he can think about it.
I have done it a few times on depredation WT hunts and on hog hunts.

Here is my latest. Firearm was a 338 Sherman Mega loaded with 225 grain Accubonds. Shot distance was right around 160. Pigs were in a T-shape with the red one facing away and the black one mostly broadside behind it. Shot entered the rear right of the red pig, exited just under the left eye, entered the black pig on the shoulder and exited just forward of the offside shoulder. In the pictures, they are laying as they dropped.

Does my underwear count when I shot my elk ? They were drt more of a bang flop ! I will not post pictures out of respect for the week stomached !! 🤣 🤣