Harris S-BRM bipod swivel screw not turning


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
I recently purchased a new Harris bipod but I can't turn the round swivel adjustment screw. It's a smaller screw inside that appears to be some kind of tensioner screw. I don't want to adjust the smaller inside screw because I am not sure how it's supposed to be set. Still I can't get the larger round swivel adjustment to turn at all. Any help would be great.
The tensioner control s installed through a hole a the rear of the bipod wtih a nut to hold it in place. It's the largest nut on the end of the tensioning device. The tensioner shaft has an allen head recess in the end of it and the knob for adjusting the tension slips over the shaft and is held in place with a small nut that threads onto the center shaft. The small nut is recessed into the center of the knob. If you hold the center shaft in place with an allen wrench you can loosen the small recessed nut and see if the adjustment knob is binding. One I get mine adjusted (I have several) is often carry an allen wrench to do the final job of snugging things up before targets appear.
Or you could try this:
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That durn screw is the reason Harris users always replace it with Pod-Loc lever. Harris makes one ,but it sells apart from bipod and I use Pod-Loc to spite them.
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