Hard to find scopes with this criteria:

Back when glass came from Upstate New York. Now it comes from Japan, Germany or China, in order of quality with Germany and Japan being a tie....

There is glass being made in California, at the present time but you and I can't afford it.

Check out the GreyBull Precision Optic! Its a Leupold 4.5-14x50 VXIII, 17oz. with windage hash marks and built in range finder reticle. I have one of these and two of the Huskemaws. I think the GreyBull optic is beter quality. greybullprecision.com
The Bushnell 6500 Elite series is worth looking at. I have the 4.5-30 power with mil dot and 50mm objective, it has excellent lenses. It weighs 21 oz
I agree the Bushnell Elite is very good for the money. I have a 4200 6-24x50. If I remember right its only 12 MOA per spin though...Thanks for all the input.
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