Hammer Hunter 124 in 6.5 PRC

Every now and then we will see what I call phantom pressure with magnum primers. Meaning all the signs of high pressure without the velocity. As a general rule we have always run magnum primers in most all cartridges. With the lower engraving pressure of the Hammer Bullets the mag primers get things started a little quicker and give a more consistent burn. Some cartridges, the 6.5 prc in particular, do much better with the lower intensity primer. I think it is due to how efficient the cartridge is. I'm the prc the standard lr primers allow the powder to burn down the barrel more instead of in the case relieving pressure on the case.

This was another one of those things that I would not have believed until I saw it myself. Well over 200 fps gained in the 6.5 prc with the 124g Hammer Hunter using the same powders with only a change in primer from magnum to large rifle. Allowed us to increase the powder charge about 4g.

@FEENIX should police this and make sure there is no disinformation being spread.
Every now and then we will see what I call phantom pressure with magnum primers. Meaning all the signs of high pressure without the velocity. As a general rule we have always run magnum primers in most all cartridges. With the lower engraving pressure of the Hammer Bullets the mag primers get things started a little quicker and give a more consistent burn. Some cartridges, the 6.5 prc in particular, do much better with the lower intensity primer. I think it is due to how efficient the cartridge is. I'm the prc the standard lr primers allow the powder to burn down the barrel more instead of in the case relieving pressure on the case.

This was another one of those things that I would not have believed until I saw it myself. Well over 200 fps gained in the 6.5 prc with the 124g Hammer Hunter using the same powders with only a change in primer from magnum to large rifle. Allowed us to increase the powder charge about 4g.

@FEENIX should police this and make sure there is no disinformation being spread.
I feel certain that its under investigation as we speak