Imo this is probably the most relevant post in I don't know how many pages
On above I am always open minded on a new bullet coming out & treat every bullet the same ( once I clear my head as sometimes it's takes a little to understand how the pill is killing on it's different mechanisms of killing re hydraulic or just blunt like trauma of cut like a arrow I can't explain that properly but different pills kill in different ways or mechanisms I guess is better
) & try as close as I possibly can to put apples & apples together on comparing this to that yet that dosent appeal to the ones that like that companies bullets or a particular pill
History will show that a pill can only do so much
& that is the issue or been mine
As take the threads on here re target bullets are not hunting bullets was a frangible thread that I pulled apart the choice of a individual that took him a while to understand hang on I'm only a step away from failure As I was trying to show which eventually it was seen I didn't care he used his eldm it just needed to be either a bigger one or a different one & I got a tshirt of that man for which is the 2nd greatest thankyou I could ever get the first was his acknowledgment of he needed to limit his angle if he still chose to use that pill or find another that can be relied upon
Now Apex can't remember that thread but man did I cope that & pretty well everyone focused on the shattering of the shank as either ( my assumption & also been told by one so not fully assuming on the next bit ) my intention to make hammer look the better option or just causing issues & nearly everyone looked past what a great job it done in other places that may suite the individual better than a frangible or a hammer or a badlands etc as every single bullet has its terminal best window , average window & poor window & it's understanding that what I liked about that case of the apex shank shattering was marks process of yes totally not liking the results but not trying to discredit me with lies or storytelling to get people to take sides but taking them on board & advising his customers be aware that if you do this it's one to watch & rated his pills accordingly
& I'll leave out how good he thinks I am @ finding weaknesses but I know not many companies like me for what I'll do to their bullets but on that he took on board advised accordingly & today has fixed that issue that I may add not many people would see but someone will & that's why I do what I do yet I seem to get alienated pretty quickly or put in a basket of oh he's a hammer supporter which no doubt is true as many will know I still recommend them even behind closed doors & even since my banning on HT this has occurred but I'll also recommend others that has better options I've found definitely I get it wrong but a good start imo
But now we come to the last part of your post & I'll highlight this part again
That I hope so but trust is gained & that starts with the truth & not getting thrown under the bus for something that I didn't do
Yes I pushed hard & got extremely frustrated that started when the hammerboys left aussie on the 80 hht & what I was told on that from Steve yet I'll hold Brian in a high regard for not only that but many other things but Steve from that day forward showed his hand & progessively got worse to the point of my total frustration of not getting them to change ( the very minimum the wording ) due to the complete fabrication on me exposing on the total lies on that dangerous game pills .510 cal & part of that is in here already
Yes I'd talked behind closed doors like I had about tip issues, balancing pills , failed pills you guys knows nothing of yet some still there & told oh that's outstanding & the list goes on & to a stock standard response from Steve of not many will see what your showing
Totally agree on that as ea individual level is different & most just happy with a dead critter but someone will & like apex or the eldm examples above someone will but the line should never be crossed on Dangerous game pills & that is truly terrible imo & I'll have no part of that or potential litigation issues arising from that
So yes I hope the hammer company meet my expectations once again & those are starting with the truth so balls in your court Steve
to everyone else can we stop the back & forth antics that will potentially get this thread locked if it gets out of control anymore so better to let Steve state his part but it needs to be the truth & it's surely not that hard we all can wait till then or @ a minimum be civil