Gday joefrazel & after reading where I left off yesterday others also & I'd be happy if a new thread but here's a little bit to chew over till someone puts up a more relevant thread imo of course
The first part is we are all saying the pill killed to a certain level & yet the division is occurring as some say it killed well others room for improvement hmmm
We are all wrong as there is only one person it actually matters too & that's the OP
His is the only one that matters so ease up on him I believe would be somewhat appropriate
& why a new thread would be better suited as getting into these discussions is often hard especially @ my typing speed
Now onto somewhat of the quote above & no doubt I'll get sidetracked lol
I mean the following with the utmost respect & also I am agreeing yet disagreeing in the same sense
Please define "kill better "
It's not about arguing against it's a matter of seeing & then understanding what is going on
A mono can produce better results( if needed I'll provide factual information )
the problem is most companies don't get it as they are still using the old systems or just worried about selling bullets or for individuals we have not used the new generation pills yet & or going off assumptions or have closed off minds
Once again with respect above
Monos require a different understanding of what needs to occur to get these results to occur
Now you'll watch people go but it dosent kill like a Berger or amax etc & most will be in this boat & rightly so
But even those 2 pills kill differently & yet most won't pick it but you see people go one pill over the other due to their own experience & rightly so but by analysing those 2 killing systems & people thoughts on why they would rather the ones they like the best over the other you'll see you can somewhat see a gap exists in pill preformance & that also can be filled by another c&c but what do we do
go same route as always have & the wheel goes round ( nothing wrong with that but really you'll not raise the bar just refine it which is cool )
Now the monos I have had a higher bangflop ratio ( not talking a few critters as some know I don't deal in a few well maybe in a hour or two
) this started all the way back in the 1990's but the velocity window it occurred in was very small & not practical over most ranges I shot @ but dual load fantastic in certain situations
Now flip over the years & we have seen advancements in the mono industry for sure but until I came across hammers the basic principle which were correct & even the old gpa pill from those 90's needed speed as did the hammers I first used but lowered the needed velocity to get a result on a killing curve efficiency level ( broadly speaking impact speeds as all pills even in the same brand have own velocity impact sweetspots )
So now why were hammers a different kettle of fish as a basic mono they are & yet they still failed to outperform the very best frangibles @ the very low velocity impacts but potentially it was there & latter was proved it could get extremely close & even match but it took apex afterburner to show it could exceed the performance standard that the frangible held the crown on for years & once again not a one off it showed it multiple times
So apex is the bees knees right & will kill everything like that
yeah not correct
Yet you move that apex to the mid 2000's impacts & some of the frangible takes over again & some of the original hammers would be close to the frangible or exceed them ( these are all impact speeds & yes bc comes in here but let's not get that derailed lol ) now move those impacts to the 3k plus mark & the frangible is found it's progressing backwards on the killing efficiency curves ( sometimes it's incredibly spectacular but keep shooting is the key & you'll see the velocity impact sweetspot has been exceeded ) the hammer now entered into its own as reliability of producing a better shapecharge/bubble but today's hammers have no pop to the pill the same as the apex now move to ceb & you'll see exactly the same occur of no pop or as mcquire calls it the detonation point
& on the very few McGuire pills I've used I've seen snippets of the pop /detonation point occur & also saw this in badlands gen 1 but it was like the gpa of a very small window of occurrence
So the bar has definitely altered from a frangible being king ( in that 6.5 line I tested not saying all calibres all pills as testing would needed to be done to confirm as should be but the pattern is definitely there & apex done extremely well & consistently did it )
Now this hht stuff is not only hht it's also other lines but once again now we will see different interpretations of killing levels appear
so let's go this route
The level that hammer kills @ today is not what it once was so if that is still in one's wheelhouse of acceptable that's cool
To state that hammers have the same killing level today as yesterday's is false & how much more do I need to show