Hacker alert!!

Profile posts are public, they are not private like PMs, everyone should disable that function.

I changed mine just now to members only and no one can post a public message.

@Len Backus - Have you had the platform scanned for vulnerabilities and pentested by a reputable cybersecurity professional or cybersecurity provider? Have you looked into enabling a simple multi-factor authentication mechanism?

In the past I have reached out to you with strong suspicion that some long dormant accounts had been compromised and were being used in attempt to scam LRH users ...

I AM a reputable cybersecurity professional - formally credentialed by the most respected cybersecurity org in the world at the highest level. I would be more than happy to help. This is not a solicitation nor am I offering to perform testing or other services. I am not looking to try and generate any $ from LRH. However, I am happy to help guide/advise if it is not an area of comfort for LRH ownership/admins ... I think all of want to see this platform be as healthy, vibrant, and trustworthy as possible.

To all - if you have any question whatsoever that your account may not be as private as you think, please please please do the following:
1. Change your password - now
2. Ensure the password is unique and is not used for ANYthing else. Really - not used for any other single thing in the world.
3. Do NOT store your password in an electronic file, notepad, spreadsheet, digital photo, etc, etc, etc - seriously - no digital storage unless it is in a password protection tool utilizing encryption and targeted for that specific purpose. (i.e. LastPass, etc - these are not perfect either but make life tolerable with unique passwords for every account - no I don't work for them)

Hope this message lands with the intent behind it - to be helpful and nothing more.

Cheers all.
I get that, but I did not use my phone...all communication was on my PC. None of the details were discussed on my phone. He got the info off of our PM's. That is the only place it that info was ever discussed. I PM'ed my phone number to the ACTUAL seller.

Your phone number was listed on that profile message I posted, would you like me to text you?
I get that, but I did not use my phone...all communication was on my PC. None of the details were discussed on my phone. He got the info off of our PM's. That is the only place it that info was ever discussed. I PM'ed my phone number to the ACTUAL seller.

You posted your phone number there.

@Len Backus - Have you had the platform scanned for vulnerabilities and pentested by a reputable cybersecurity professional or cybersecurity provider? Have you looked into enabling a simple multi-factor authentication mechanism?

In the past I have reached out to you with strong suspicion that some long dormant accounts had been compromised and were being used in attempt to scam LRH users ...

I AM a reputable cybersecurity professional - formally credentialed by the most respected cybersecurity org in the world at the highest level. I would be more than happy to help. This is not a solicitation nor am I offering to perform testing or other services. I am not looking to try and generate any $ from LRH. However, I am happy to help guide/advise if it is not an area of comfort for LRH ownership/admins ... I think all of want to see this platform be as healthy, vibrant, and trustworthy as possible.

To all - if you have any question whatsoever that your account may not be as private as you think, please please please do the following:
1. Change your password - now
2. Ensure the password is unique and is not used for ANYthing else. Really - not used for any other single thing in the world.
3. Do NOT store your password in an electronic file, notepad, spreadsheet, digital photo, etc, etc, etc - seriously - no digital storage unless it is in a password protection tool utilizing encryption and targeted for that specific purpose. (i.e. LastPass, etc - these are not perfect either but make life tolerable with unique passwords for every account - no I don't work for them)

Hope this message lands with the intent behind it - to be helpful and nothing more.

Cheers all.
This site is protected, and not compromised. We have 2-factor enabled if users would use it, it's up to the user to do so.
We have released a number of items, and PMed users to change their password.
I get that, but I did not use my phone...all communication was on my PC. None of the details were discussed on my phone. He got the info off of our PM's. That is the only place it that info was ever discussed. I PM'ed my phone number to the ACTUAL seller.

You posted an 'Ill take it's on a public forum;

It is possible (and perhaps probable) that the scammer clicked on your profile, saw your phone number and texted you saying 'send money here'.

Glad you caught it in time!