gunwerks G7vs NXS


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
Riggins Idaho
Ok, if night force is now making a new scope for gun works, what exactly is different between the nxs and the gunwerks version. Is there any thing that makes there supposably better?
The paralax knob is reduced in size on the g7.
The windage turret is smaller and has a removable dust cap.
The elevation turret is a 20moa in one turn, w/zero stop, and will come with moa turret, and a bdc turret when you send in your collected data.
No illumination.
second run will have a new reticle design. (first run is npr1)

They are made to same spec as a NXS and say; NF, G-7 on the side.
The only weight savings apears to be the reduced wind and para knobs over a NXS
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The paralax knob is reduced in size on the g7.
The windage turret is smaller and has a removable dust cap.
The elevation turret is a 20moa in one turn, w/zero stop, and will come with moa turret, and a bdc turret when you send in your collected data.
No illumination.
second run will have a new reticle design. (first run is npr1)

They are made to same spec as a NXS and say; NF, G-7 on the side.
The only weight savings apears to be the reduced wind and para knobs over a NXS

So why does it cost the same as a NXS even though it has no illumination? It would be a great buy if it cost $1200 or less. Right now it seems like an overpriced downsized NXS model.
I think if you look at the same features the price is right on with a current zero stop equiped NXS, with 20 moa rev dial. The difference is ones Ill, and one you get a bdc knob set up for your balistics.

I personally have never shot with my reticle turned on so I don't mind giving that up for a bdc.
It started out with a lower MAP price, but other dealers were concerned about a lower MAP than the NXS 5.5-22. We included the BDC to make up the value.

Do you really think $1200 without illumination? $664 for lighted reticle? The low pro windage is a big change in product offering, and would be considered an upgrade item.

Illumination is coming soon. The low pro parallax may be a unique item soon, so if anyone is interested they should pick one up.
It started out with a lower MAP price, but other dealers were concerned about a lower MAP than the NXS 5.5-22. We included the BDC to make up the value.

Do you really think $1200 without illumination? $664 for lighted reticle? The low pro windage is a big change in product offering, and would be considered an upgrade item.

Illumination is coming soon. The low pro parallax may be a unique item soon, so if anyone is interested they should pick one up.

Leupold charges about $400 for the illumination feature so I'll give it to you on that. I still wouldn't mind giving $1464 for a G7, but there's no way that I am giving $1864 for a downsized NXS 5.5-22. I say downsized mainly b/c of no illumination. Granted I'll probably never use illumination, but it's there if needed. The low pro windage and paralax, though it would be nice, is a wash since it makes no difference to me. However for the drop turret the plus goes to you guys.

Now don't get me wrong I think you have a great product and would love to have one, but for the same money I think I'd have to go with a NXS. When you guys go illuminated will the price be the same or will it be higher? I am also curious as to what your reticle will look like. Do you have any pics? Are you guys going to the Wanenmacher's Tulsa gun show this April? If so were will you be? I would love to stop and visit with you guys.

On a side note, there's an issue with either your G7 website or your email. I've tried to send you guys some questions, but it never goes through.
I like the new features, I had old LEUPOLD AND put on cds dials to fit scabbard better, and if you like BDC DIALS that is a plus. My son missed on my leupold because of no zero stop, being a kid and not watching, but it happens.In MT I dont think you can use illuminated reticule. I know on bow no tritium or says no electronic enhanced light gathering optics
You are right Jon. You can have a illum. reticule. No bang,bang 30 min after sunset:D.No projected type beam site.Not so much here, but over the hump,east side.They have coyote shooting comp. and I Believe they are night shooting also.I asked a warden here about that , ssaid say I SEE one in the snow after shooting hrs,and shoot . Said ok because a varmint, not a listed game animal.
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