Gun Issues Post-Gunsmith Visit

First time using this gunsmith. I had a 30-30 that was jamming on me a few years ago and I took it to two different gunsmiths to fix, neither of which could. One told me to sell it, the other told me to not cycle it like a p***y. Ended up fixing it myself.

So these guys were my third gunsmith in the front range. Gunsmiths seem to be like mechanics, finding a good one can be tough.
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If it were me...

At this point, reassemble. Reinstall scope. Shoot it as recommended 5 rounds without any devices on the end of the barrel.

To check for concentricity you could use a very close to bore cleaning rod, brass or aluminum rod. If it's not centered in the bore of the suppressor they did it wrong.

If all that passes muster, work on your groups or load with the suppressor. If factory, may have to try a different load. Barrel whip timing is a thing and changing the weight at the end of the barrel will change it. ;)
I see you are in Sedalia, CO. Just 6 hours south of you is one of the best, most trustworthy gunsmiths you'll find - Charley Robertson @ Score High Gunsmithing in ABQ, NM.

Score High Gunsmithing
9812-A Cochiti Rd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123.
Ph# [HIDDEN] or (505) 292-5532
Email @: [email protected]

Hopefully you've found the problem and have your rifle sorted, but if not, give Charley a call. Worth the drive or sending the gun to him to get it fixed right.
put it back together with the recoil lug actually doing it's job properly, you've got good odds it's back to shooting. confirm that was the issue. then even if you're mad, call the gunsmith and tell him what happened. at least let him learn from it.

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