Group size measurement


Mar 12, 2011
Salisbury NC
What does it mean when I see references of target group sizes shown as .2s, .3s etc.?
Why not keep it simple and use center to center measurement in inch readings?
They are referring to center to center measurements. A gun that shoots in the 2's is a gun that consistently shoots .2-.299" center to center. From what I've gathered, it's terminology more commonly used with the bench rest crowd.
It's in reference to MOA. so .2 or .3 MOA, 1 moa is 1.047" @ 100 yards, So a .2 groups is just under 1/4 " center to center at 100 yds.

It's in reference to MOA. so .2 or .3 MOA, 1 moa is 1.047" @ 100 yards, So a .2 groups is just under 1/4 " center to center at 100 yds.


Are you sure it's in MOA? It seems like most posts (on other sites) that refer to a gun that shoots in the 1's, 2's, or 3's are talking about center to center measurements in inches because group sizes in the their matches are measured in inches. I however, could be mistaken.
The bench shooters measure and communicate in inches. If you use inches, you need to state the range it was measured to be meaningful. If you use MOA, while it doesn't necessarily mean the precision will hold at all ranges, stating the range is not as relevant. If someone speaks about their groups I prefer to know the number of shots, range, and know whether they are talking about MOA or inches.
The bench shooters measure and communicate in inches. If you use inches, you need to state the range it was measured to be meaningful. If you use MOA, while it doesn't necessarily mean the precision will hold at all ranges, stating the range is not as relevant. If someone speaks about their groups I prefer to know the number of shots, range, and know whether they are talking about MOA or inches.



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Are you sure it's in MOA? It seems like most posts (on other sites) that refer to a gun that shoots in the 1's, 2's, or 3's are talking about center to center measurements in inches because group sizes in the their matches are measured in inches. I however, could be mistaken.

Well, I was going by the fact that for all practical purposes 1 moa at 100 yards is 1". If I shoot a .2 group it would be .200" and since it is under .25 it is under 1/4".

I have referred to many groups at 1000 being .5 moa which is just under 5". Are we not talking about the same thing here?

If I posted something wrong I apologize. But my excuse is, I am a long range hunter, not a bench rest shooter , and this is LRH forum.:D

If I posted something wrong I apologize. But my excuse is, I am a long range hunter, not a bench rest shooter , and this is LRH forum.:D


I feel most long range hunters give their groups in MOA and usually in 1/4 MOA increments. I just usually hear about guns shooting in the 1's or 2's with the bench rest crowd.

By the way, I don't think anyone in their right mind would argue the fact that you're an excellent long range hunter! :)
Well, I was going by the fact that for all practical purposes 1 moa at 100 yards is 1". If I shoot a .2 group it would be .200" and since it is under .25 it is under 1/4".

I have referred to many groups at 1000 being .5 moa which is just under 5". Are we not talking about the same thing here?

If I posted something wrong I apologize. But my excuse is, I am a long range hunter, not a bench rest shooter , and this is LRH forum.:D


I don't think there is any issue with that.
I feel most long range hunters give their groups in MOA and usually in 1/4 MOA increments. I just usually hear about guns shooting in the 1's or 2's with the bench rest crowd.

Thanks for the kind words. :)

So my thick skull is blocking something here. Isn't a .2 group saying it is 2 tenths of an inch and also 2 tenths of an moa? I must be missing something or confused.:D

Thanks for the kind words. :)

So my thick skull is blocking something here. Isn't a .2 group saying it is 2 tenths of an inch and also 2 tenths of an moa? I must be missing something or confused.:D


For all intents and purposes yes, but they still refer to their groups in inches not MOA at least from what I've read. Either way I think the OP now understands :)
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