Got the mounts back from out Oklahoma Exotic hunt..


Official LRH Sponsor
Jun 12, 2004
Fort Shaw, Montana
Just wanted to share with you guys. Got the mounts back from our Oklahoma hunt with BJ and Lerch.


This is my Texas Dall. Took him at 820 yards with my 300 Allen Xpress. He was standing extremely quartering away and the big 240 gr entered right at his right flank and exited just inside the left shoulder exiting out of his chest. He ran 15 yards and fell over dead. It was one of the best field shots I have ever made especially considering there was a much smaller ram standing on each side of him with only around a foot of air between each of them and the ram I wanted. He has a 33" curl on both sides. Not heavy but very long for his age. Wish he would have been about three years older like my Corsican.


Here is my corsican which I took with the same rifle just minutes before I took the Texas Dall. This ram was taken at roughly 650 yards with a single shot to the lungs. THe shot was slightly high and slightly back in the longs but did the job just fine as he only ran around 30 yards and fell over. This is my largest exotic ram by a fair margin. He has legit 35" curls on each side.


This is the Axis buck I took on the same trip with the same rifle. It was not long range but he sure is pretty!!! Would not have gotten him without the help of BJ Lerch and several others as they were pushing the bush for me to get a big buck on limited time we had to hunt. When he was shot, he ranked #69 in the world SCI record books.


I personally believe there is no prettier deer on the planet but again, thats just my opinion. If I were ever to full body mount a critter it would be either a Black Buck or an Axis like this. Just no room now for a full body mount and the $$ is also pretty high. I will live very happily with a shoulder mount.

Just sharing.
Nice mounts! I like how on the axis deer it's got the full side of the one shoulder. Hey, you've got no snow down there!

Dan Clarke, owner of Aspen Groove Taxidermy does all my work for me. I do all his gunsmithing, professional arrangement I guess you could say!! LOL

He does extremely good work. I have had world champion taxidermists in the shop looking at his work and they have all been impressed. Best thing is his price!!!

Ya, have some big walls but they are filling up fast!!! Will have to start renting out the wall space on the other half of the building for more wall space!!!
We hunted the Axis in the Stevensville, TX area. It was around 100 degrees when we were down there last spring, to hot for this northern boy!!! It was a good time though. Course all I had to do was sit there and watch hundreds of critters running out of the bush and then shoot when the right one came out!!
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