Got my Leica 1600 as well..Problem


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
Forks, Wa
Got my Leica last night... big Problem... No instruction manual!!!! lanyard, battery, No manual.... What to do, if anybody can help me out, much appreciated...copy a couple pages or something... there isnt a downloadable format out yet ...
call leica. they have wonderfull customer service. i wore out the lense caps on my leica geovids and they sent me new ones for free and it only took a few days to get.
Got my Leica last night... big Problem... No instruction manual!!!! lanyard, battery, No manual.... What to do, if anybody can help me out, much appreciated...copy a couple pages or something... there isnt a downloadable format out yet ...

Talk about a rush to get their units to market! That really surprises me. Someone snoozing on the job in the Leica CRF 1600 packaging department.

Let us know how far your unit ranges and in what weather conditions once you've put it through the paces?
Got my Leica last night... big Problem... No instruction manual!!!! lanyard, battery, No manual.... What to do, if anybody can help me out, much appreciated...copy a couple pages or something... there isnt a downloadable format out yet ...
Same thing happened to me
Got my Leica last night... big Problem... No instruction manual!!!! lanyard, battery, No manual.... What to do, if anybody can help me out, much appreciated...copy a couple pages or something... there isnt a downloadable format out yet ...

I got mine too, but I've got a PDF downloaded version of the manual. It's not great, but it's a whole lot better than nothing. :)

Email me your email address and I'll email you a copy.
That goes for anybody that bought a 1600 and needs one.

I'd guess Leica will post their CRF 1600 User's Manual on-line sooner rather than later... since they've shipped any number of these without any instructions!
Could you email the pdf manual to me as well, please? [email protected]

I received mine today from Camera Land (thanks guys) and have been playing around with it. Bright sun without a cloud in the sky but I was able to range 1720 meters once (stuck in metric til I get the manual) but could not do it again. It ranged pretty reliably out to 1000 meters in the bright sun conditions.

After dark this evening I ranged the farthest thing I can see from my house which is a storefront at 1045 meters. A great feature of the CRF 1600 is the auto dimming display. It worked equally well in bright sun and near total dark - all without burning my retinas out. :cool:

I'm looking forward to doing a lot more experimenting with it.
Could you email the pdf manual to me as well, please? [email protected]

I received mine today from Camera Land (thanks guys) and have been playing around with it. Bright sun without a cloud in the sky but I was able to range 1720 meters once (stuck in metric til I get the manual) but could not do it again. It ranged pretty reliably out to 1000 meters in the bright sun conditions.

After dark this evening I ranged the farthest thing I can see from my house which is a storefront at 1045 meters. A great feature of the CRF 1600 is the auto dimming display. It worked equally well in bright sun and near total dark - all without burning my retinas out. :cool:

I'm looking forward to doing a lot more experimenting with it.

You bet, on it's way.
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