Good gauge for measuring case neck

I'm looking at purchasing a good gauge, not the most expensive one, but something accurate enough to measure the case neck thickness to aid in obtaining concentric cartridges. I'm also needing to purchase a case neck trimmer. Any ideas?

You're wanting to measure case neck wall thickness , or case concentricity, or both ?
A really good basic neck mic is Sinclair's Starret:
It's very easy to use & accurate enough for this application.
You can & should add a form of neck stop to datum for your measure as necks taper in thickness from shoulders to mouths. Bushings work well with this. The ball anvil is also adjustable in height so that you can set the ball contact against near-edge of spindle to really get in tight to neck-shoulder junction if desired.

I'm looking at purchasing a good gauge, not the most expensive one, but something accurate enough to measure the case neck thickness to aid in obtaining concentric cartridges. I'm also needing to purchase a case neck trimmer. Any ideas?


Buddy, I have had them all! You can't beat the Sinclair shown in th photo. No batteries, no plastic, lasts for ever and accurate as all getout!


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I have the following tools that my be of interest to you:
Basic L. E. Wilson Case Trimmer and Sinclair stand. $70.00 shipped to lower 48. For $20.00 more I will include the Wilson Power Adapter.
View attachment 214716
Redding Case Neck Gauge with bench grip and four pilots: .22, 6.5mm, .270, and .30. As pictured. $100.00 shipped to lower 48.
View attachment 214717
Thumbs up on the Wilson trimmer. And I measure neck thickness with a mitutoyo ball mic.
If it doesn't have a ball point contact inside the neck(but a tubing mic post instead), it's not accurate for necks.
This, because of built-in thickness taper and less than straightness that necks present.

Not sure if this has been mentioned earlier, but I measure at four points, 90 degrees apart, to get an overall thickness of the case neck and not at just one point.
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