Good Day At The Farm

Joel's a Ol'pro on here Beautiful work as usual I have a mill miles on that KOM I scored from ya heh


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Now here's your problem: since you only have 80 bullets and almost certainly won't be able to find more, you're gonna have to ration your shots. Beautiful rifle, though!
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I'm glad I clicked on this post. I know not everyone cares, but when a rifle is just as aesthetically pleasing (to the senses) as it is accurate, it really gets to me. And that rifle has both. That's some fine shooting at what I consider long range.
When you live in the mountains of SW Virginia like I do, you don't hardly go that far on vacation, much less shoot at something.
Now here's your problem: since you only have 80 bullets and almost certainly won't be able to find more, you're gonna have to ration your shots. Beautiful rifle, though!

Lol. I have a pile of those boxes that have 80 bullet

Mind sharing details about the stock? That is a heck of a rifle!

I made this stock by laminating some flat sawn pieces of African Bubinga. Turned it into a McMillan A-5 clone. Inletted, bedded and finished it with Tung oil.

Landscape looks like it might be Perry Co.
It is in Perry County.
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