you did not state whether you shooting off a bench, or with a bipod. Then if your shooting off a bench; what kind of front rest are you using, and what are you doing to support the rear of the stock? If your using a solid mechanical front rest like bench rest guys use, you may find a forend stop to seriously help you (did for me). If your using a rear bag, even the amount of sand in it will make a difference. Sand bags are not bad, but also have these same issues in the end. I never could make a bipod shoot all that well. Good enough to get by with, but nothing to write home about.
The shape of the stock has a lot to do with how well they ride the bags. Most all factory style stocks do not ride the bags all that well. Some are fair, and some are horrible. My 700 Remington is horrible off a front rest plate, and I've tried several bag combos. But hag snuck around some of this by mounting a quarter inch thick aluminum plate on the bottom that extends a quarter inch wider than the sides of the forend. When out in the field I leave it at home as most all shots are off hand. The best bag I've found is a Protector filled with washed aquarium sand (kinda loose). The flat Sinclair bag works best with the plate. Now here's a cheap trick to try if your shooting off leather bags. Go to Walmart and buy a bottle of talcum powder. Coat the front bags and see if it helps. Remember it's often just minor tweaks, and not the switch to a McMillen Edge stock.