Yesterday Jim and I loaded enough stuff to keep us alive for 4 days and headed to Medicine Lodge for a 1 day drive around and calling set day of enjoyment. Jim has harvested many coyotes and 8 bobcats over the years in this area. This was my first trip there.
Round trip was only 260 miles. 160 miles of it was to and from the area. Welcome to the west.
Took from 0530 to 1900. 3 hours of which were spend digging out of snow banks until we got smart enough to chain up.
Saw over 60 elk. Two of which were spikes. Also saw a golden eagle. Haven't seen one in ages.
Made one calling set.
Parked the truck and headed to where we could see into the valley. We immediately saw a yote going up the other side a little better than 500 yards to our left. Saw another making two. Eased over to a somewhat hidden calling spot. Watched yotes for several minutes. No out of normal actions on their part.
Jim breaks out his favorite call and gives it ago. About the time the sound would reach the dogs without even glancing around up the other side the they head. Then a third one appears. WTH? Over a period of minutes calling simply drove them further away. As they were headed up the hill the big one took a dump. The third one (a female) then went to the spot and took a leak on the dump. Hmmm, my wife would "never" do that.
The was more or less in their favor than ours when we first saw them but wonder if it were really a factor?
At about 760 yards they came across in front of us. I gave a couple of howls. They turned to come across our field of view alternately meandering and sitting and looking in our direction.
Seeing has how we were already busted I stood up and moved around. No visible difference in the yote's activities. They must have been comfortable way out there. Which is specifically why I have the 270 AM. I was carrying a Sig 556 and Jim a 220 Swift. The truck was only a short walk behind us. I could have fairly quickly retrieved the AM.
7000 feet elevation, enough ice crystals falling (7* F) that it was easy to read the 5-6 MPH wind.
When considering the lives of those three coyotes, the vastness of the area and lack of rabbit tracks I got to feeling that there were only 3 coyotes instead of 5 or 6 due to the hard life up there. Just couldn't get up the energy to get the LRH rig. I guess I am old.
I think its nice being old.
Medicine Lodge peak on the left, I think?