Well.....I've been around the sun more times than I care to have, but.............beats the alternative.!! So here's the post. I black bear hunt in an area that is somewhat remote and there's no phone service. I don't walk as well as I would like to be able to and would like to have some contact with the outside world if I need to do so. Even someone who is in good shape probably would have trouble waking out, and...the land is private-leased so on one is going to be driving down the road that I hunt off of. I get dropped off at a sight, if I do take a bear I have to wait until the guide comes in to get me, and...sometimes that can get to well after dark. Or if something goes wrong and I need to get help, again there is not contact and I'll be waiting until he arrives and that again could mean after dark. I am also planning a whitetail deer hunt in the fall, it is near the Canadian border in Maine and again there is not any phone service. I have done some reading the the Garmin In Reach and it seems to be what I am looking for. However...curious if other's with experience with this type of device might have another recommendation/model instead of the Garmin? This is all new technology to me, any help or recommendations would really be appreciated.