G7 BR2 Nothing short of amazing!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2010
Fairview Alfa, Louisiana
Well felas, I bit the bullet , and ordered a G7 BR2 rangefinder. I must say this thing is nothing short of amazing, first off I unpacked it , inspected it and began reading the manuel. Simular in the programing department to a enduro racing computer I once owned. I feel I will have to review the manuel a few times to realy get my head around this thing but I will have it with a little practice.
After skimming the manuel I set it on range only mode , and after fooling around the yard with it a while it was time to air this thing out. So with pelican case , soft case and rangefinder in hand I loaded up in the jeep and headed to the lock and dam on Red River a few miles from the house where I can see some distance from concrete bench tables ( a steady rest). After ranging various objects in the 1-700 yd range I noticed a heron sitting on a channel buoy so I lit it up and wala 1384, 1385 and 1384. Next shot was on a dike on the bank ajacent to it 1396 1396, 1396. Well the only object further that I was able to pick out was a bald sand bluff down the river that I was guessing was in the neighborhood 2k , after settling on the bench and holding the button for about a secnd bam 2583 2585, hell I almost dropped this thing !It took me a minute to realize just how effective this thing is .
As for now I am learning how to use all of the features of this instrument , I can only see some serious good coming out of this thing!!!
Well felas, I bit the bullet , and ordered a G7 BR2 rangefinder. I must say this thing is nothing short of amazing, first off I unpacked it , inspected it and began reading the manuel. Simular in the programing department to a enduro racing computer I once owned. I feel I will have to review the manuel a few times to realy get my head around this thing but I will have it with a little practice.
After skimming the manuel I set it on range only mode , and after fooling around the yard with it a while it was time to air this thing out. So with pelican case , soft case and rangefinder in hand I loaded up in the jeep and headed to the lock and dam on Red River a few miles from the house where I can see some distance from concrete bench tables ( a steady rest). After ranging various objects in the 1-700 yd range I noticed a heron sitting on a channel buoy so I lit it up and wala 1384, 1385 and 1384. Next shot was on a dike on the bank ajacent to it 1396 1396, 1396. Well the only object further that I was able to pick out was a bald sand bluff down the river that I was guessing was in the neighborhood 2k , after settling on the bench and holding the button for about a secnd bam 2583 2585, hell I almost dropped this thing !It took me a minute to realize just how effective this thing is .
As for now I am learning how to use all of the features of this instrument , I can only see some serious good coming out of this thing!!!

Did I mention this thing is amazing! proof is in the pic!


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I had the same reaction when I got mine. I also have a Terrapin and found the ranges to be within a couple of yards or less at +1000 yard objects. I used the G7 last hunting season in a wide variety of conditions from 80 degree Wyoming, to 20 degrees in Canada. Altitudes from 300 ft to 6000 ft. If you think the ranging capability is amazing, wait to see how well the ballistic computer works. It's very fast. Being primarily a whitetail hunter, time is usually my biggest issue. Mastering the near/far feature is particularly effective when dealing with difficult interferences like hills or brush in the foreground or background of the animal. I found that if I could see enough of the animal to take the shot, I could get an accurate range. Hats off to the designers of this product!
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