FYI 9/16x24 Bravo mounts and silencerco discount code

  • Thread starter Deleted member 103481
  • Start date

Deleted member 103481

Likely no one here cares but I've been waiting for a 9/16x24 bravo thread adapter for my omega 300 for over a year and they were claimed discontinued. They are in stock right now.

Silencerco is currently still doing a Father's Day discount code "DAD" for 30% off this is only non NFA stuffs from their webstore but mounts and such count.

can probably find normal mounts on sale cheaper elsewhere but anyone that's been looking for a 9/16 like me get it now!!

Well heck...I ordered a 1/2x28 like ten minutes ago and forgot to add the discount. Oh well I guess, but I totally decided to buy it for the discount and then didn't add it. I am losing my marbles.
I'd buy another with the disco and cancel that one, worth a shot
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