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Furlough again ...

Word around the campfire is shutdown is imminent! Have to report to work, do my job, and not get paid! Unknown at this time if the our pay will be retroactive! Both incomes in my house are from the same source, therefore I get hit twice!
I see it in the private sector. We are cutting and levelling a bunch of high strength steel sheet and processing it but it's not shipping out.

That is an omnious sign.

If you look at the flip side, someone with gumption needs to quit kicking the can down the road. Enough is enough and I understand there will be some hardship but it's better now than later when it will be much, much worse.

To that end, I must stand with the politicians that have said enough is enough. Thats a tough stand but a necessary stand

If this country as a whole don't fess up to the impending crisis, we will be eating with chopsticks and the unsung hero will be Chairman Mao.

We al (for the most part)l have a standrd of living we are used to. Do you really want to regress? I don't think so. Keep going the way we are and there won't be a choice.
Word around the campfire is shutdown is imminent! Have to report to work, do my job, and not get paid! Unknown at this time if the our pay will be retroactive! Both incomes in my house are from the same source, therefore I get hit twice!

Your kidding, right?

If you are a government worker you'll get paid whether you work or not.
I see it in the private sector. We are cutting and levelling a bunch of high strength steel sheet and processing it but it's not shipping out.

That is an omnious sign.

If you look at the flip side, someone with gumption needs to quit kicking the can down the road. Enough is enough and I understand there will be some hardship but it's better now than later when it will be much, much worse.

To that end, I must stand with the politicians that have said enough is enough. Thats a tough stand but a necessary stand

If this country as a whole don't fess up to the impending crisis, we will be eating with chopsticks and the unsung hero will be Chairman Mao.

We al (for the most part)l have a standrd of living we are used to. Do you really want to regress? I don't think so. Keep going the way we are and there won't be a choice.

It's not a tough stand, it's a stand against a bloated government that wastes our tax payer money every single day.

I say shut it all down, I'm sick of our corrupt government and government workers who cry like babies when they have a shutdown. Us people in the private sector have to deal with lay-offs all the time.
It's not a tough stand, it's a stand against a bloated government that wastes our tax payer money every single day.

I say shut it all down, I'm sick of our corrupt government and government workers who cry like babies when they have a shutdown. Us people in the private sector have to deal with lay-offs all the time.

I spent a few years in the private sector and was part of lay-offs 3 times before entering military service until retirement in 2007 and later the civil service.

It's never a big deal until you're directly affected. I will NEVER wish it to anybody.

BTW, unless I missed it, I didn't see anybody crying like a baby. lightbulb

It seems to me that you're the cry baby, more so than the thousands of us that are directly affected.
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I didn't see anyone crying either....

I will say from experience (my wife is retired DOD (TACOM) to be exact, that government workers don't get paid whether they work or not, due to attrition and not replacement, most government workers are doing 2 jobs at no increase in pay and finally, they don't get paid if the government shuts down. It happened 17 years ago and my wife did not get paid for staying home and never did.

IMO, employees are employees whether in civil service or not and civil service employees are just as aware of out current fiscal situation as private sector workers. Maybe more so, they get to live with it everyday.

I believe there is a big misconception on the part of private sector workers concerning government workers perpetuated by ignorance and the jilted press.

I don't know how many times people have commented to my wife about her getting Social Security in retirement, that in itself shows how ignorant the public is.

Government workers do not collect Social Security, never have........

Something has to change and soon. I'm not for the grandstand play thet the House is playing against Harry Ried and the Affordable Health Care Act, using Obamacare as a springboard to facilitate their political stand. Personally, I think thats plain wrong. Don't use a faux podium to advance your agenda. Use the real agenda, this country has dug a hole that it probably can't get out of..........

Me, far as I'm concerned, we need some type of universal health care system in this country but again, I prefer the single payor system like Canada has instead of the politically motivated and bloated plan Obama construed (actually it's RomneyCare), a plan that was fastracked through a Congress that didn't have the intellegence or foresight to even read it. That in itself speaks volumes about the quality of elected officials we have representing us today.

I'm not a Teabaggerf but maybe it's time for another Tea Party.......

Rant over.
I didn't hear the crying either.

I do disagree with you on the congress taking a stand on the Affordable Health Care Act Sidecar. The debate taking place now should have taken place after everyone read it, not prior. If not now, with this expensive item, when? This fight is not unilateral, both sides want it. Claiming cuts to popular programs that actually received increases, just not as big as some wished is very dishonest. It covers a lot of sins though, we might have to stop studying the sexual habits of earthworms if anybody ever gets serious about priorities.

Just to declare my possible conflict of interest. I'm a healthcare worker, and I exceeded 100 hours low census time last year, just shy of 3 weeks. I'll probably have lost just shy of 2 weeks this year.
My point is, no one read it when it was first presented because they were all dazzled by Obama who could do no wrong and now, thought they all have ther doubts about Obama's credibility, they have to 'save face'. At the citizens expense.

I'm a healthcare professional as well. I ride herd on a hundred or so mental morons called truck drivers.............:D

It is what it is. We all are just riding on the bus, like it or not.

In our profession, we are being suffocated by Federal regulations on one hand and an overzealous HR department on the other. Between the DOT, ICC and the FMVSA, the BWC and OSHA you can't fart and if you do, you better explaikn it in triplicate to the HR Department or you get admonished.

I'm tired of buying jelly filled doughnuts for HR.

I'm off to bed, I have to use the wooden ruler on some fingers tomorrow early.
It's official! I worked for 4 hours this AM, did my time card for the pay period, signed my furlough notification (1-30 Oct) and off I went.

In my squadron, the civilians are in good spirit, however, the military are not. :D
The Government is too darn big!

If you want me to be responsible and have a retirement then make my Social Security MINE!
The same for Medicare, but I am sick of the Government taking my tax money and giving it away.
If I need to pay more I have zero problem with that but it needs to be MINE and I get to will it to my heirs.

This BS of Governments not fully funding pensions, Medicare Social Security, etc. is BS.

Why should the Government tell me if I take my 401k before I'm 59 1/2 that I pay a penalty?
I am sick of them dictating what I have to do and then let Government workers retire much earlier with no penalty!
What business is it when I want to retire as long as I have enough to do so?

The Government is too darn big!

If you want me to be responsible and have a retirement then make my Social Security MINE!
The same for Medicare, but I am sick of the Government taking my tax money and giving it away.
If I need to pay more I have zero problem with that but it needs to be MINE and I get to will it to my heirs.

This BS of Governments not fully funding pensions, Medicare Social Security, etc. is BS.

Why should the Government tell me if I take my 401k before I'm 59 1/2 that I pay a penalty?
I am sick of them dictating what I have to do and then let Government workers retire much earlier with no penalty!
What business is it when I want to retire as long as I have enough to do so?


As a citizen and a voter (I hope) you allowed the government to get as big as it is...

Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. It worked at the beginning but now it's becoming insolvent. Sort of like UAW pensions. The founders lacked the foresight to look down the road when retirees would outnumber payers.

Of course it didn't help when the government 'borrowed' from it and never repaid the borrowed funds....

I don't understand you comment aboiut paying a penalty on 401K withdrawls prior to 591/2. I took mine and my company pension at 56 with no penalty whatsoever. I did reinvest it and I do draw on it monthly. If you take a lump sum payout, there are Federal guidelines and a penalty but nothing for a graduated withdrawl. Thats done for a reason and that reason is, the government don't want you to blow the money and be peniless and wind up on public assistance.

I dertainly don't want the government to fund my pension, seems to me that you want it both ways from your comments. I don't need my arse wiped by the government, you shouldn't either, I don't think, at least...

Government employees and military aren't the only people that get 30 and out. Lots of private sector jobs are that way too, especially unionized automotive jobs.

My philsophy is, the military deserves 30 and out. You put your life on the line for ungrateful citizens everyday. Might as well get out as soon as possible, IMO.

Finally, despite the notion that Social Security is retirement, it's not. It's merely a supplement to retirement and always has been.
I wouldn't worry to much. It will take a very unpopular type of courage to correct the mess we're in. The money presses will be rolling soon and the wine will flow.
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