From Nightforce - TS-82™ Xtreme Hi-Def™ Spotting Scope

Very Nice, I only pray it will one day be offered with a NP-R1 or a MOAR reticle in it as an option. Talk about the ultimate long range spotter!!lightbulb :cool:


Can we have a Halleluiah! :)
Preach it brother!
Absolve me of my Leupold spotting scope sin!

Are you listening Nightforce?
Definitely please offer it in the MOAR reticle! x1000! Then it will match my scope when I finally can order it... LOL

I'll try it out on my elk hunt in New Mexico this year!!! Bring my swaro and that and compare??? That would be a good article!!!! :)
After researching the perfect spotter with reticle eyepiece I was just about to spend my money on the Vortex. If nightforce will offer a MOAR reticle or NP-r1 eyepiece I might have to jump on it. If not the vortex is the best option in my opinion. Come on nightforce your spotter would look great next to my NXS!!!
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