
I must have missed the fun too. Len, you do a remarkable job of keeping this site tidy.

You have an excellent point of course. When I first read the negative response I hoped there might be an opportunity for some discussion. Instead, the next post went right into silly insults.

Let me say I wasn't spoon fed anything! I invested my time, money, and resources in obtaining an education! Further, the politics in this country are so convoluted I find an organization founded on one simple principle exceedingly refreshing. Especially a principle I can stand behind 100%!

Seems the purpose of this thread was a call to arms, or at least attention. Several years ago I was attending an outdoor expo, gun show, or something of that nature. The NRA had a booth out front. The show tickets were complimentary if you purchased a membership. I did. I'd always been aware of the NRA, but had only a vague understanding of what they do.

A month later the first magazine arrived, followed weekly it seemed by postcards or fliers about this or that threat to the second ammendment. Wow! It seemed an avalanche of alarmist propoganda. This was not what I wanted from a recreational magazine. I wanted hunting stories, technical articles, and to continue on my merry way. In my case, and perhaps Mr. fishermans, ignorance was truly bliss!!

At first I sifted throught the magazine reading the hunting stories and things I liked. Eventually I began to read the political sections. What, you can't have a loaded firearm in your home in DC? What country is this? What the hell do they mean people were fired for having a hunting rifle in thier trunk? Microstamping? "Assault" weapons? Ammunition bans? What the hell is going on in this country??

Make no mistake, there is an extremely costly, constant battle to keep our keystone right from being weaseled away. Don't think the threat is real? Take a half hour and peruse the NRA website. Send 'em twenty five bucks. If you aren't convinced by the time your membership expires you'll at least get twenty five bucks worth of great firearms history, technical articles, and access to a host of fantastic shooting events and exhibitions.

You are right of course! There is an extreme danger in continuing on our merry way. It is the middle ground where the threat gains momentum. There are many who think, " I suppose I don't need a ten round clip" , what harm is there in outlawing 50 calibers? We don't need those. What are those black scary looking guns for? Killing people (like every firarm on the planet), we don't need those. Then there are those who cloak themselves in snobbery and elitism. They believe proper guns are expensive and artistic. A classy double for Africa, a fine Dakota for New Zealand, and handguns? what on earth for? Proper guns are not black!! Mr. Zumbo is a fine example of this type of thinking.

The danger is what really happens. Another limit on the second ammendment! Another step backwards on a steep slippery slope. This is the danger! We win and lose ground every day! The NRA is the frontline. Invest in your education, your freedom, freedom for your children! The NRA is not radical. It is very fundamental, very honest, and the one great protector we have.

GG, I may have been a bit hasty in telling our neighborhood fisherman to carry on. I read a comment he made in a polititcal thread. He stated he didn't vote his morals because he isn't retarded. So, iether he disagrees with the NRA and will vote with us, or he understands how important the NRA is and will vote against us. In iether case, I sorted of figured this particular feller could carry on!
You guys have some interesting threads. I will say I am NOT a freeloader, but I gave up on the NRA awhile ago. I was a member for years, and worked with them in a professional capacity at the state level for a number more, but I'm convinced they are not nearly as tough or dedicated to RKBA as they say they are.

I like Gun Owners of America Gun Owners of America as a better alternative, and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Homepage as the best of all.

Warning! This thread is more than 16 years ago old.
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