

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
SE Idaho
William Wallace supposedly yelled this....just before they killed him....
Took a trip this weekend....needed a fresh perspective to upcoming times...
Drove a couple hours..bought a fishing license..fished for about 7 hours..caught four species of fish....before sleeping I heard lots of banging noises....kind of put part of that perspective back into my heart and my a really good night's sleep...made a few cast in the morning and drove to a new local....not that the current local was bad...just needed time behind the some of you may say you live in freedom here in the USA....but on Saturday morning I awoke in freedom....and i can understand why people live there....mountains...a nice run of of working people....lets just say I was teetering.....teetering on lifes edge....what some people take for granted...what some people get to live their entire life....
I awoke Saturday into Freedom...Freedom Wyoming....
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍

Sounds like my kind of place.

Freedom Is a gift, earned by others. We should enjoy it, and not abuse it or take advantage of it.

If many of the people could/would try living in other country's, they would appreciate what we have.

Even the simple freedoms we have and take for granted, were paid for in blood.

Unfortunately...that piece of Freedom may be out of your traveling distance....
There's gotta be a place simular within a few hours drive time...or a couple hundred yards might be just over yonder beneath the shade of the big oak tree..or the cottonwood tree....the willa's down at the creek where you can soak your feet(without polluting the fish).....
There are lots of cities named the same from east coast to they ran out of names and had to start over..or the trip was so long they had forgotten that they already past thru Portland Maine..on their way to Portland Oregon......
There should have been a lot more places named Freedom....
Great post. Our American ideals also reflect something that is still conditional in some men's minds and certainly conditional in many other countries, which is freedom and liberty for all Americans.
I don't know never been to Memphis I think it's over 2 hours away it's far enough that I surely don't worry about it
Over one's life your view of freedom may change but what is really important is how it makes you feel I used to feel free 30 miles offshore of South Florida but now I'm feeling pretty free just looking out my window in Tennessee/QUOTE]
I haven't seen a Hydra Sport in quite a while. Great boat! looks like it has a good hammer down too! Nice name tag!

Have the critters been given names yet?
While we all love shooting, many of us don't live close to nature or the wild. To many, the city life is all around us. We go to those places in our minds but really going there and spending time gives perspective to how free we really are. Luckily I'm one that lives in the rural landscape allowing me to step outside and see all the things that make me personally feel free. Hook up my boat and go a few miles fishing or jump in my side by side and cruze to our 80acres enjoy the peace and quiet. Everybody needs to take that long over due break and enjoy that tranquil quiet time in the outdoors. It will as Fred Bear once out it...Cleanse the Soul.
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