Freak lope my wife got Tuesday

Please report back after the taxidermist discovers the wife killed a freak goat several years ago; he apparently ran into something, injuring the bone/core just as it beginning to re-grow for the season, and the sheath continued to grow
Here goat , like this one, scored over 100 inches; with 70% of that on the "injured" horn
Awesome goat!!
Tuesday, opening day in Wyoming, my wife scored on a once-in-forever buck. Camp score was 93 5/8s. Left horn was 57 1/2". Base was 12 1/2, second mass was 10 1/2, 17 1/4 long , 7" prong. Pics don't do it justice.
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Having killed several in last few years ,I must say that is one impressive prong,great shooting and congrats to the lady. Good to have a wife like that on your side.