Well-Known Member
You may have already checked but just above the thread on your die it states the type of die and the cartridge e,g Forster 30-06 FL.
This one is marked 30-06 FLS-U.
You may have already checked but just above the thread on your die it states the type of die and the cartridge e,g Forster 30-06 FL.
He lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, how do you say lower the expander in Afrikaans.
Do you have any body in South Afrika that could help you with this die. Like a gun smith or tool maker or machinist.
One more question. Since you are waiting for your new rifle, where did the Once Fired Brass come from?
I might try trimming the brass before I size, Just in case the other rifle caused the brass to stretch too much.
Ok. Just another thought.From different sources, mostly from a friend who has a 30-06 and only uses factory ammo.
I prefer to trim after sizing. The idea was to size everything down to factory spec, then trim, which is what I do with my other brass.
The problem with this die is it's damaging the case mouths, there are fine shavings around the case mouth on the couple of brass I tried to size, without the case fully in the die. Even if I trim first, that won't change.