For Pennsylvania big game hunting opening day issues

As far as kids hunting, when i came of age in the 40s, the schools statewide were closed for the first 3 days of deer season.
Mainly because at that time many of the teachers hunted also.
Where i lived, ( Bucks County ) that continued into the 60s.
But slowly the liberals whittled away at those type things, including the annual school Christmas pagent.
I now have great grandkids attending the same high school my own kids graduated from.
Nothing is the same as it once was, and for sure the average persons lifestyle is no better either.
Life is a matter of choices, in my day we didnt have as many choices as people have today.
Simple things like deer hunting was something far more people
did than is done today.
And also today those who do are more demanding about things like when the seasons open.
I question the people i know about hunter turnout numbers in the N C region where our camp is located since the change of the opening day.
All of them claim they see no difference in hunter numbers.
The difference is that instead of most of them arriving on Sunday and leaving on Tuesday or Wednsday, they are apt to leave on Sunday instead.
No actual vacation days are lost as a result.
Most camp owners and camp members however still prefer the Monday opener.
..the only reason that I can see is they have nothing else to bellyache and whine about. If they truly want to start on Monday, go ahead there's no rule you have to start on Saturday or enjoy a couple of Sundays either...despite what the powers to be tell us there is no where even close to the number of hunters out here, I rarely ever see anyone, hear a shot or see many dead ones in areas traditionally jammed with hunters shots and dead deer...hunting in PA is on a serious decline and on life support in my opinion.
..the only reason that I can see is they have nothing else to bellyache and whine about. If they truly want to start on Monday, go ahead there's no rule you have to start on Saturday or enjoy a couple of Sundays either...despite what the powers to be tell us there is no where even close to the number of hunters out here, I rarely ever see anyone, hear a shot or see many dead ones in areas traditionally jammed with hunters shots and dead deer...hunting in PA is on a serious decline and on life support in my opinion.
I know where we hunt there has been some people that have done some dumb things that have gotten a lot of private ground posted no hunting that's taken quite a bit of ground out of the places people use to have permission to hunt. Close by their houses so now they got to travel or hunt public ground
..the only reason that I can see is they have nothing else to bellyache and whine about. If they truly want to start on Monday, go ahead there's no rule you have to start on Saturday or enjoy a couple of Sundays either...despite what the powers to be tell us there is no where even close to the number of hunters out here, I rarely ever see anyone, hear a shot or see many dead ones in areas traditionally jammed with hunters shots and dead deer...hunting in PA is on a serious decline and on life support in my opinion.
Im of the opinion that most of the whining took place in order to get the opening day of buck changed.
And also to allow Sunday hunting.
And now that its happened, the number of hunters hasent changed ?
Only the days its legal to hunt has changed ?
We could have the same type of a conversation over allowing the use of semi auto rifles couldnt we?
As noted before I'm fine with the opening day being Saturday and I think Sunday hunting is a good thing to get hunter's out a extra couple days a season.
We could have the same type of a conversation over allowing the use of semi auto rifles couldnt we?
I know many will not like my opinion on this but I am entitled to a opinion, agree with me or not.
I think semi auto's should be legal for big game in Pa. They have less felt recoil which is great for small frame youngsters and women. And while I'm at it I think centerfire 22's should be legal also.
This is only my opinion and it doesn't really matter! 😉
As noted before I'm fine with the opening day being Saturday and I think Sunday hunting is a good thing to get hunter's out a extra couple days a season.

I know many will not like my opinion on this but I am entitled to a opinion, agree with me or not.
I think semi auto's should be legal for big game in Pa. They have less felt recoil which is great for small frame youngsters and women. And while I'm at it I think centerfire 22's should be legal also.
This is only my opinion and it doesn't really matter! 😉
I am on the same page I am not an AR guy myself but if I could I have 5 grand kids from 9 to the age of 1 I would build a an AR in a 6,5 Grendel with a can on it that would be the way to go
I see the Saturday opener as a good thing for getting young hunters more days afield. Personally, I liked the Monday opener because it gave us three days to blow off steam in camp. Fun things like consuming copious amounts of alcohol, greasy fried foods, non-stop poker, farting contests, good natured ribbing, howling at the moon and the like. Good times at Camp Chaos.
Love you Jon your the Best. 👍😍🤣

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