OK I have not personally used one, but the guys in the club down the road from me have one for the ATV, well a side by side they use
YES It works, but on new ground or heavily grown in fields it takes a lot to prep ground with just that
I been doing food plots for a LONG time, now, since 1989, so I think I can give you a valid opinion
there is better less expensive tool you can do, buy , use to get same like results for less money
if you have DEEP pockets, its a nice tool to have for sure, but you can do just as well or beter with other things
if you already have a tractor I suggest looking at more tractor tools, a good heavy disc, a cultipacker, and pending what you want to plant, maybe a good no till drill
and if you cannot get lime bulk spread, look for a old style drop lime spreader
and a sprayer, and a Mower! last one is very important , and will see the most use I think!, ruff cut brush hog is fine and all you will need! (these are all the tools you really need and are readily founds used, and for under 7 grand for sure if you shop about, well minus the no till !)
all the above can be found(minus the no till) for normally a few hundred bucks each , used and in good shape,Most farmers that stay in business in this modern age, don't use the old stuff from YRS back, as its just too time consuming for them to make any money, so odds are very high in your hunting area lots of farmer have stuff laying about that works, just don't use any more
simply stopping and asking if they will sell, is all it takes many times, you can tellw aht they are using and not by mid summer, as things they ain't using will have tall weeds growing around it!! or e bay, craigs list or any of the tractor sights, but tractor sites seem to ask the most, as they know what NEW stuff costs!
a good no till drill used will be the most costly, but to be honest unless you want to plant corn or beans you can get by without on, and just look for a 2-3-4-5-6 row corn planter used, and you can do the same deal, just have to prep the ground first
the main thing is to know what you want to plant MOST and set up for that
biggest deal is a having a tractor, and I recommend one in the 40+ hp range, this way you can do and use most tools for a tractor with it