Fixed powers for Long Range

Kinda like my single shots and fixed powers too :D Mirage is a killer here in the high desert so I very seldom can even use much over 20x. My first thought was to advise picking up a 16x IOR but since its not possible the next best thing is the Leupold 16x or the more popular 12x.... They do or did make a fixed 24x too. Not a big Leupold fan but the 12x fine duplex Leupold with target turrents is my favorite prairie dog scope. A prairie dog is about as big as a crow and I use the 12x past 500 often enough. The field of view and glass seams to be much better in the fixed scopes? Heck even my 6-24 IORs stay on 18x and wish I could lock them there(The MP-8 is MOA at that power).
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