First trip to Wyoming and first antelope hunt!

Add chapstick, several tubes, I lost 2,, found one when unpacked,,
I thought my rangefinder battery was going dead, replaced battery, bushnell 1000 w/arc,, new battery help either, hard to get a reading at 500 unless lazing a large verticle object, goats dont quilify :) batteries can be hard to find out there, lightbulb
Thanks for the info guys! This will be my first hunt for antelop in Wyoming too. I'm hunting a private ranch in Medicine Bow "area 44" I believe. I built a 6.5X284 shooting 140gr bergers. Using a Vortex PST 4X16 scope. Taken my Kowa spotting scope with a set of Nikon bios. We're pulling my fifth wheel up. Wish everyone the best of luck!
Thanks for all the information guys. I am heading up this weekend and I am really looking forward to it.

Best of luck to everybody going out on your own trips this year. I will be sure to post the results of my trip as soon as I get back.

Happy Hunting!!
So I am really bad about keeping this up to date.

I had a very successful trip. Two doe and a buck, i will post pictures when i get it back from the taxidermist.

Defiantly learned a lot that i will apply to all my future hunts. The most important of which is to take people with you that hunt the same way you do and are willing to do what it takes IOT be successful.
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