First Aid kit contents?


May 18, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
Hi Guys!

As a member if my local Hunting and Conservation group, there are only two mandatory items you have to have carry with you at all times when on project. One is a handheld UHF CB radio (with hand mike and earpiece - don't want to scare the varmints! ) and a first aid kit.

Now sometimes we go out for a day and sometimes 7-10 days.

I am thinking of making 2 kits and I'm wondering what you backpack hikers include in yours?


mine has the usual.....

bandages (small and large) , a good supply of medications that you use IE: painkiller, anti inflamitory, like IBU...antibiotic cream, a bit of liniment, some antacid, immodium, and anything else more specific to your needs.i also like to have a thing called a skeeter stick (for bug bites).i am allergic to bee stings so i carry an injectable epi-kit.some good tape.i also carry a suture kit.never had to use it yet but you never ace bandage comes in handy sometimes....

i would carry the same kit for either long or short durations.just because you are not going to be out long doesnt mean bad stuff wont happen..the tape and ace bandage works well for splinting a broken leg or such.....think about things that are likely to happen and reverse plan for them...for instance if you are in country that has poisonous snakes you may want to take something specific for snake bite. there was a lot of discussion a few yrs back about shock treatment for snake bite. i treated a neighbor's dog once that was bit by a rattlesnake with shock therapy from a car ignition.(spark plug wire hooked to a jumper cable). when i got there the dog was lethargic, drooling, couldnt even lift his head. after we treated him he was up and walking and drinking water, so i think it worked...a lot of bird dog hunters carry a small powered battery operated stun gun just for this purpose....hope this helps AJ
Just like alot of other things, what equipment you should pack depends largely on your ability to use those things correctly. If you want to be more effective at first aid, i'd suggest taking some classes rather than worrying about what's in your kit, if you're well trained you can improvise the equipment and be much more effective than a guy who has a paramedic kit and no idea what to do with it. That's coming from an Navy FMF infantry Corpsman, and we are the kings of first aid.
OK, I admit, I'm curious! What have you needed it for that is first aid related?

Cuts, small ones and deep ones. I always take some with me while fishing in Canada (remote). Slip with a fillet knife or tear up a finger or two while trying to release 40+" pike while he's still in the water (they'll make a terrible mess of your boat). I'd give up band aids for super glue anytime.

Not only that but have you ever tried to sew yourself back together?

Squirt some glue in a cut and push the skin back together and your done.
Don't get me wrong it stings like hell but the pain will subside.
i agree.....

should have included superglue......i learned this when my son fell and cut his chin open walking off the field after football practice. (hit a sprinkler) looked like it needed about 4 stitches.....we waited in the emergency room for 1 1/2 hrs only to have the attending phy come in and dab a drop of superglue on it, hold it a minute and say ok , your done.....($387.00) i have used it lots since then..AJ
Devil Doc! Not as mean but still a Marine. Funny thing is after 6 years as a FMF Corpsman 1998-2004 all I take to the field is a Unit One. TP is more important to me than dressings. I like staple guns to suture kits for field use.
What is Unit one and TP?



Unit one is an old school Marine Corpsman med bag. TP is what you use to wipe your butt. lol.

I just never get injured, and if I do, I always find a way to improvise using what I have. I would take a big med bag if I had a group of people with known conditions.
super glue-Duct tape-feminine hygene pads and whatever strong painkiller you can get your hands on and a bar of soap for cleaning will cover a multitude of accidents.
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