fired cases sticking in chamber


Active Member
Jan 9, 2013
Just hoping someone might know my problem. I picked up a used Bansner 300 win with a remington action and I built a load for it a few weeks ago. No sticky bolt and shells ejected with no problem. I took the gun to a gunsmith and had the bolt fluted and a different muzzlebrake put on and when I shoot it now the bolt opens with no resistance, but the case sticks in the chamber and I really have to crank on it to get it to pop open. Even loaded down 2 grains and tried with the same result. Anyone ever had this problem? Thanks
Sounds like brass fatigue to me. I had the same issue with my 7mmSTW, about the 3-4 loading of the brass. I wasn't loading hot, but the Federal brass stretched so much that it finally fatigued it and work-hardened it, so it lost alot of its stretch and was expanding when shot, but wasn't retracting as much as it used to for proper ejection.

How many times have you reloaded those cases?
It's doing it with the new brass as well. Thought that might be the answer but shot it this morning with new brass but no change.
What brand of brass are you using? Nosler brass sticks in my rifle, but Remington with the same loads does not, even after multiple loadings. And perhaps the new muzzle brake is causing an increase in chamber pressure for some reason. I might try removing the brake for a few shots and see if that makes a difference.
Are your cases coming out with any scratches on them I had this problem just a short while back with a 308 I traded for, the cases had slight ring marks with one that you could actually feel with your finger nail. I took it to my smith he polished the chamber and that thing ejects better than a new one and absolutly no loss in accuracy. JMO good luck let us know what you find out.
I'm using winchester brass and there is some scuffing on the belt of some of the cases. Guess that's where it's hanging up. It is the same bolt and I did try it without the brake and getting the same results. I don't think that the smith took the barrel off. He didn't rethread the end of the barrel just made a new brake with the same thread pitch. Maybe polishing the chamber is the way to go...just vexed at why it cycled so smoothly right before the work.
Sounds like there is a rough zone or some crud in the chamber. Clean and inspect. If you can see an anomaly you could put some JB on a tight fitting patch and use a hand drill to clean it up.
How many firings on the brass?

I had an aawesome 7 WSM that fired everything in to a bughole and functioned perfectly until the brass had been fired 2X or 3X and then cases didn't extract from the chamber. The went in just fine and showed no pressure wehn going off, but simply didn't extract. They had grown just enough to engage the lead and wouldn't come out of the chamber. Trimeed the brass and back to no problems.

if the smith didn't mess with the chamber, it seems odd that it would develop scuffing at the belt. either way, it frustrating as heck and I hope you figure it out. When you do, let us know what it was.

Just thought I'd give an update on what I figured out with the 300 win and the 7mm rem mag. Thanks for all the input and help, finally got it figured out so hope this can help someone if they come up with the same issue. The 300 win mag that was sticking the shells was a simple fix in that I backed the bullet of the lands a bit. Must have been causing some over pressure with the bullet at the lands. I have been working on a 7mm at the same time for a friend and was having the same problem. It's a factory Remington. With that one it turned out to be a rough chamber. Gunsmith polished it and it's shootin great. Thanks again
Thanks for reposting what you have figured out. My STW has still been doing the same thing, but only with 1 particular load, and I think I'm gonna try it with it backed off the lands a couple thousandths, to see if that helps. My load shouldn't be THAT hot, since alot of folks are getting much more velocity with the same bullet, and alot higher powder charge, so I was figuring something had to be causing it.

Thanks again for posting back to let us know. I will try it to see if that helps. I still might go have my chamber polished by the smith. It looks to have some rough marks about 1/8" above the belt, where it's sticking in the chamber.
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