i would not want to shoot against kevin or david. i use jb's from time to time . i do not firelapp.
It won't help or hurt a barrel that doesn't need it.If it can't damage a barrel . . . how can it help a barrel?
Yes, they use something like a lead or brass lap charged with abrasives to enlarge the tight spots in the very slightly undersize bore up to either their specs or those of the customer. They'll use a precision hole micrometer or air gauge to measure the diameters. When they've got a spread of less than .0001" and are at the desired specs, they do nothing else except mark the ends of the barrel blank where diameters start to flare out a bit. Those ends are cut off or reamed out by the 'smith fitting the barrel to the receiver. I think most high end barrel makers want the bore's finish to be between 10 and 15 microinch for best accuracy. Any smoother and steel tends to wipe off more bullet jacket material for some reason I don't fully understand.Don't those barrel makers run that same type of abrasive thru the barrel when they make it?
I personally Never recommend fire lapping is a last resort because it laps the throat and does very
little for the rest of the barrel.
The fact that the barrel shoots good the first couple of shots tells me that you need to do a good
break in.
Do a shoot, and clean after every shot for 20+ rounds and you will start seeing an improvement
on the fouling issue. It takes time and patience but is it worth the effort and improves the entire
bore not just the throat.
As you shoot, you should start to feel the improvement in the bore and the number of patches
to come clean should drop to 1 or 2.
It is not unusual for factory barrels to take more than a custom barrel so don't take a short cut
and start firing 2 or 3 shots and then cleaning. The purpose of the shoot and clean method is to
shoot 1 bullet in a clean bore and let it smooth the barrel out evenly end to end.
Fire lapping enlarges the bore at the throat and reduces bullet fit causing lower pressure and velocity.
hand lapping can do this if it is over done breaking it in only wears the high spots and fills in the
machine marks left from the rifling process.
Some custom barrels are very tight even after lapping because the barrel maker allowed for this
and reamed and rifled the barrel .000001 undersized.