***FIND A PLACE TO SHOOT...my new website***


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2010
Well it seems like there are LOTS of post asking if there is a range or place to shoot near "X".

So about a year ago I started working on a database and website so folks could find shooting ranges near where they live.

The site is up and running and seems to be working ok for now. It still has a ways to go and I have some more ideas for it. But for now it is what it is. Feel free to use it and pass it along.

**PLEASE DO NOT JOIN THE FORUM** That still need some work and is a ways off.

The site is: ShootingPlaces.com

Maybe this can be made a sticky?

Take care,Stan
I am gathering suggestions,etc., at this time. This is just the "shell" and when time and money permits I will keep modifying and adding to it. Right now I have littel of either.

Take care,Stan
way cool, you''ve got spots near me i was unaware of. thanks your doing something incredibly useful for the sport.
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