Finally filled a goat tag


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2001
Casper Wy
Bought a Barnnet Penitrator xbow and figured how hard can it be to fill a goat tag with a bow thats shoots to 70 yards with ease? Well as it turns out filling a doe tag is next to impossible so filling a buck tag with does around aint any easier. I did get within bow range of a couple of little bucks and got to see a lot of interesting country but failed to fill the tag with the xbow before rifle season. It seams the elk knew we didnt have tags for the areas we where goat hunting in so they got shot with the sony.



There was an incident with a badger but thankfully my hunting partner was to busy laughing to get pics or video.
Rifle season opened on Thursday and after putting 10 shooters to bed Wensday night I woke up to thick fog Thursday morning. By the time the fog lifted enough to see decent the bucks had scattered. No worries a little walking had a nice buck with 5 does within an easy 1000 yard stalk. I had the Ruger 7 mag dialed to 600 yards and all I had to do is clear one more canyon to get close enough for the shot. When I poked my head up out of the canyon this guy was 42 yards without a clue I was there. 40 hours of trying to fill a tag with the xbow and I walk up on a decent buck with the 7mag. The 162 grain SST penciled through him like a target arrow and off he the wrong dirrection from the truck of coarse. Most of my shooting has been from the bipods and I found my freehand skills to be VERY rusty when the second shot took out both back legs @ the hock......Well at least it slowed him down enough that he realized the first shot had killed him, but not before he fell into the bottom of the wrong cayon.
Now I'm 2 miles from the truck with 2 elk sheads I had found along the way, a rifle with no slig on it, a back back full of boned out goat and a very steep hill......I'm getting to old,fat and outa shape fer this chit!


The elk sheds helped hold the goat in plce for the hero shots.


Stay tuned folks this season is just getting started.....Still have 3 more goat tags,an elk tag and a general deer tag to fill. The 338 Egde is still getting dialed in and we got a week of vacation to burn up.
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