Montucky Roamer
Well-Known Member
It's a huge advantage to not need to be at full power(for the windage hold value to be correct in the reticle,I mean) for mid range 4-700 yard shots is very nice to just shoot at 6 to 8x , easier to spot shots and track after the shot.I personally don't see a need for ffp if you have good turrets to dial but you also mentioned prs and mil graudations so I'm guessing it's a personal preference.
I'd look for a used mark V, they're hard to find in your budget but not impossible with a little time and effort.
If you're willing to go sfp a used VX6-HD would be easier to find used in your budget. I've bought 4 used VX6-HDs in 3-18 and 4-24 with zero issues.
I also have awesome luck with the 4.5-18-44 LRHSi. The reticle has bold sections that go down to fine enough sections so it still works in timber on lowest power. Even without illumination. I also would highly recommend a SWFA scope of choice. If you can find one...they are ALWAYS backordered.
Nightforce and trijicon are also beastly scopes to trust.