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Went out coyote hunting on thursday night and to our luck, we saw 3 that night. We should have gotten all 3, but my buddy messed up on the one. Anyways, the first coyote we saw was the one I shot. We turned the corner to see a little dog standing off the side of the road not more then 20 yards. I had my 300 RUM with the 210g uld rbbt. I lined up behind the shoulder and let er rip. It left a good size exit hole, probly around 5-6 inches. After taking the pics on that one, we proceeded to move on. About 15 minutes later, my friend yells at me to stop. Keyword for a yote. There was one sitting like a dog about 50 yards off the side of the road. My friend got out, tried shooting it and couldn't get the gun to fire. I was letting him use my super accurate .222 Rem, so I knew nothing was wrong with the gun. As he was fumbling around, the little dog got up and trotted maybe 10-15 yards, then stopped to look back again. Still my friend couldn't figure my rifle out, turns out, he forgot to jack a shell in. By the time he got a shot off, the little yote was about to go over a hill. He missed as I saw it take a couple more bounds out into the CRP field. It was pretty funny though. That coyote shoulda been dead meat, it stood around for at least 30 seconds. USually dont get to many of those, but these coyotes aren't full grown, so there usually not as smart. I was giving him so much crap for fumbling around forever, only for the fact that I said you wont get another one that stupid. So we drove around till dark and was headed home when I saw the 3rd yote skyline about 100 yards away. It was on my friends side, so I told him to shoot. I told him to just put the crosshairs right on the shoulder, at the shot, the yote dropped. It was another little one, but we still got him anyways. My friend was pretty excited, he hasn't shot a coyote in like 6-7 years he said, so I was glad I was able to let him shoot at a couple, and actually get one. The first pic is my coyote and the damage from the 210g uld rbbt. I would say expansion is good!