Favorite waterproof boot

I have had good luck with Danner boots in the past, but have struggled since they went away from Gore-Tex in the non-USA made boots. I still think the Elk Hunter is one of the best.

Lately, I've had great success wearing Crispi's. Last spring, we were bear hunting and it was during the thaw; my son and I hiked 6 miles one afternoon and it was just miserable. The gopher tunnels were soft and we couldn't take 3 steps without sinking up to our shins into them, we had gaiters on and managed to keep our feet dry. We were spiked out and even though our boots were froze on the outside in the morning, the inside was dry…dang cold though 🥶 The pair I was wearing had been used the fall before. I'm currently on the Crispi train.
What's your favorite hiking boot for hunting the wet days (rain and snow). Think October-November elk and deer hunts in the mountains of Idaho. Wanting something I can wear for a 7-10 day hunt without having wet feet the entire time
The OP made reference to hunting in Idaho, and keeping his feet dry. While the Danners are probably fine back east on flat land, in our experience, do not bother with the Danner Marines, Pronghorns, or any of their offerings. We gave up years ago in the Pronghorns when we stopped hunting primarily from stands - they offer zero ankle support and control when side-hilling steep country. We tested the Marines in the Frank Church, and while they were water proof, they do not provide the upper to lower ankle support when traversing steep side hill putting enormous leverage on the ankle and outer foot, and fell apart by day 10. Stick to tall, real backpacking boots with excellent lacing systems in Idaho.
I have Danner, crispi, hanwag, zamberlan, kenetrek, lowa. While keeping my feet dry is important to me, if the boots don't fit and work well things are not going to end up well. The zamberlan are by far the most comfortable. None of them feel terrible but for some reason the only ones I can wear on a real hike are the kenetrek. All the others, even after being well broke in, will leave me with foot problems. So I have several pairs of fairly expensive boots that are for camp, town or other various activities that aren't going to be strenuous hiking. What works for me may not be what works for the next person. As far as keeping my feet dry, I have one pair that will allow my left foot get wet. The rest of my kenetrek boots have never failed me in rain or snow. I mainly hunt in Eastern Oregon and Idaho. My 2 cents worth and I'm sure different people will have entirely different experiences.