Danner Boots. I grew up with them in Oregon. Most of the loggers and fallers I worked with back then wore them. Mostly the tall, heavy, black leather hobnail versions built like a tank. Danner has definitely gone more commercial, Chinese-ium, and city boy trendy lately of course. My latest are thinsulate goretex Danner Pronghorns. I've worn them for over 20 years. I've worn them hunting in the hot Fall early hunting in N. California mountains, and 20 degrees and 3 feet of snow in the Idaho mountains. Backpack hunting miles per day up and down mountains. Good idea to waterproof the leather with mink oil or similar, and silicone for the canvas (eg Scotchguard). Just as important is the right combination of socks, and your boot size absolutely must have the right space from them. My combo is silk, wicking, and smart wool. Probably smart to wear lady's hose as the first layer to avoid blisters but I never have. I stuck with light silk or similar synthetic. Yes you have to know how to wear good gaiters when it's wet, or how to properly cinch down cuffs of goretex bottoms over your boots to keep dry in rain and snow. Cinched tight temporarily when needed, I was able to quickly wade small creeks nearly up to my knee without getting my socks and feet wet. If you try that you must be sure-footed and you MUST not dilly-dally! But it can be done. I basically temporarily tied the cuff drawstring very tight, then folded extra pant bottom over it and tied the overlap down very tight as well with cord. Do not try this for the first time out in the woods. Practice somewhere safe until you get it right. I recall a story from Danner long ago, that the firefighters and smoke jumpers stopped wearing Danners, because they could not tell when their boots were on fire.
I'd like to hear more about how others actually use their boots. Also here's a picture of my Pronghorns. The tread is not very aggressive, and it's held up surprisingly well. Note the laces tied up halfway. I don't need a full lace-up for this Texas Mississippi flatland treestand hunting stuff. Much more comfortable when sitting in a tree from dawn to dusk. (;